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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

IHREC report highlights need to pass Labour Homeless Families Bill- O’Sullivan

Labour spokesperson on Children, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has said a report by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) highlights the importance of passing Labour legislation recognising the rights of homeless children in an emergency accommodation situation. The IHREC has raised a number of concerns regarding families and children in long-term homelessness, saying more…

Labour Admin

12 July 2017

Dáil speech by Willie Penrose TD on the establisment of the Department of Community and Rural Affairs

” I am delighted to be here to speak on behalf of the Labour Party on the establishment of this important portfolio.  Unlike others, I will not play party political games.  My party and I believe that rather than playing party political games around the establishment of this important Department, we should focus on having…

Labour Admin

12 July 2017

Labour Senators table motion opposing student loans

Labour Senators today will use their Private Members’ time to call on the Government to oppose the student loan scheme option recommended in the Cassells’ Report. The Labour Party motion calls on the Government to commit to providing equality of access to education for all; reject any move to implement an income contingent loan scheme…

12 July 2017

Minister Harris must answer questions regarding Entresto drug- Kelly

Labour Spokesperson on Health, Alan Kelly TD, is demanding answers from the Minister for Health, Simon Harris, and the HSE, regarding their failure to allocate the drug Entresto for reimbursement – a drug which has been certified as both life saving and cost-effective. Deputy Kelly said: “Exactly a year ago, a state body certified that…

12 July 2017

Dail Statements on 22nd anniversary of Srebrenica

Ceann Comhairle, I welcome the opportunity to speak on behalf of the Labour Party. These statements are in keeping with the European Parliament resolution of 2009. That resolution called on the Council and the Commission to commemorate the anniversary of the genocide, and to support the recognition of 11 July across the European Union as…

Labour Admin

11 July 2017

Full transparency and strong oversight needed on third level

Vice Chair of the Public Accounts Committee, Alan Kelly TD of the Labour Party, has welcomed the publication of the PAC report today on the third level education sector. It shows the need for full transparency on the sources of funding Universities and Institutes of Technology have, and how they spend their resources. Deputy Kelly…

11 July 2017

Government needs to tackle undersupply in housing- O’Sullivan

Labour Housing spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has said the latest CSO house price figures highlight the urgent need for action on the supply of homes across Ireland. The figures show house prices rose nationally by just under 12 per cent in the past year, the fastest increase in more than two years. Deputy O’Sullivan said:…

Labour Admin

11 July 2017

O’Sullivan introduces Homeless Families Bill

Labour Housing spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD, is today introducing legislation into the Dáil that aims to ensure the best interests of homeless children are recognised by Local Authorities in an emergency situation. The Housing (Homeless Families) Bill 2017 would require Local Authorities to recognise the rights of a child in a family unit when applying…

Labour Admin

11 July 2017

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