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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Bacik welcomes USI support for Seanad Motion

Labour Leader in the Seanad, Senator Ivana Bacik has welcomed the support from the Union of Students in Ireland for the Labour Party’s motion to be debated on Wednesday evening. Labour’s motion calls on the Government to affirm its commitment to providing equality of access to education for all; to reject any move to implement…

Ivana Bacik TD
10 July 2017

Updated Media Opportunity : Labour and Greens Doorstep today @ 11.15am

Labour Party Leader, Brendan Howlin TD and Green Party Leader, Eamon Ryan TD, have invited other Oireachtas members from all parties and none to participate in a media doorstep to support the Waste Reduction Bill 2017, today at 11.15am. Time : Tuesday, 11th July, 11.15 a.m. Place : Leinster House Plinth  

Labour Admin

10 July 2017

Fine Gael conversion on Rainy Day Fund welcome but more needed

Labour Spokesperson on Public Expenditure and Reform, Sean Sherlock has welcomed the movement by Government to designate a large portion of the rainy day fund for increased capital expenditure however he said that more investment is still needed. The Labour Party has proposed since April that the €3 billion fund should be allocated to capital…

Seán Sherlock TD
10 July 2017

Labour Senators to table motion opposing student loans

  Labour Party Senator, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin will this week lead Labour Party’s private members’ motion in Seanad outlining our opposition to student loans. Labour’s motion calls on the Government to affirm its commitment to providing equality of access to education for all; to reject any move to implement an income contingent loan scheme to…

09 July 2017

Horgan calls for national plans on Cork city’s heritage buildings

Labour Local Area Representative in Cork South Central, Peter Horgan, has called for the Department of Heritage to take a proactive approach on Cork’s heritage buildings, after a series of fires have destroyed a large chunk of Cork’s heritage. “There are mixed feelings in Cork on the legacy of some of the buildings that have…

08 July 2017

Humphreys calls for independent incinerator inspection over fly concerns

Labour Senator Kevin Humphreys has called for an independent inspection to be carried out at the Poolbeg incinerator to determine if there’s a possible connection with a recent fly infestation in the area. Senator Humphreys said: “This really is quite an unusual situation and residents and business owners are understandably quite distressed. “What we need…

Labour Admin

07 July 2017

Mental Health report a wake-up call for Government- Lynch

Labour spokesperson on Mental Health, Kathleen Lynch, has expressed her concern over a report by the mental health watchdog which found a rise in the number of children admitted to adult units. The Mental Health Commission described the increase as ‘totally unacceptable’. Ms. Lynch commented: “I am concerned to see that the recent downward trend…

Labour Admin

07 July 2017

Minister must act in the interest of Clonkeen students

Labour General Election candidate for Dún Laoghaire, Cllr. Deirdre Kingston, has said it is vital that the Minister for Education and Skills throws his weight behind the students of Clonkeen College and insists on the playing pitches remaining as school facilities. The school was recently hit with the news that the Congregation of Christian Brothers…

Labour Admin

07 July 2017

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