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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Minister Bruton must bear responsibility for lack of oversight of Universities

Labour TD for Tipperary and Vice Chair of the Public Accounts Committee Alan Kelly has said Minister Bruton must bear responsibility for lack of oversight of Universities. Deputy Kelly said: “The recent Prime Time revelations regarding some universities in Ireland highlight the need for more regulatory oversight but responsibility for the current lack of oversight…

28 May 2017

Vacant Homes must be tapped to ease Homelessness Crisis

Labour Housing Spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has said a vacant tax on properties that are lying empty for long periods of time must be considered as a means of tackling the housing and homelessness crisis. It follows a week which saw 12 families reportedly sent to Garda Stations due to a lack of emergency accommodation,…

Labour Admin

26 May 2017

Howlin calls on Cabinet to Delay Sale of AIB

Labour leader Brendan Howlin has today questioned the legitimacy of Michael Noonan making a decision relating to the sale of AIB shares at his final Cabinet meeting next week, and has called on Independent Ministers to stand up against this plan to ignore the vote of Dáil Éireann on this matter. Deputy Howlin said: “We…

Labour Admin

26 May 2017

Statements on the Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement

CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY Anyone charged with investigating serious crime has two basic obligations. The first is to assemble all the information needed to persuade a jury that the accused person has committed that crime. The second obligation is to maintain the integrity of that information and of the information-gathering process. To acquire full information, to…

Labour Admin

25 May 2017


The Labour Party will host a panel discussion on the Housing and Homelessness crisis tomorrow evening, Tuesday, May 30th. Speakers will include Jan O’Sullivan TD, Labour Spokesperson on Housing, Lorcan Sirr, Housing lecturer, DIT, and Karan O’Loughlin, SIPTU National Campaigns and Equality Organiser. What: Labour Housing panel discussionWhen: 7-9pm, Tuesday, May 30th, 2017Where: The Mansion…

Minister for Housing must provide vacant houses strategy

Labour Party spokesperson on Housing and Children and Youth Affairs, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has called on Minister for Housing Simon Coveney to urgently produce a strategy for vacant houses. “This morning I was shocked to hear that 12 homeless families, including 30 children, had been sent to Garda stations because there was no accommodation for…

Labour Admin

25 May 2017

We campaign for Decency, for Justice and for Equality in Society

Speech by Party Leader Brendan Howlin at the Labour Party Dublin South West selection convention. 24th May 2017 In just over a year and a half, on the 21st January 2019, we will be celebrating the centenary of this country’s Declaration of Independence at the first meeting of Dáil Éireann. We probably have a greater…

Labour Admin

24 May 2017

Bacik welcomes 2nd Stage Passage of Gender Pay Gap Bill in Seanad

Senator Ivana Bacik has welcomed this evening the passing at second stage of the Labour Party’s Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (Gender Pay Gap Information) Bill 2017. The Bill will now move to committee stage, with nearly all Senators present supporting it, and the Labour Group will seek an opportunity to progress it further…

Ivana Bacik TD
24 May 2017

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