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Decisive first steps by new RTÉ Director General welcome – Sherlock

Attitude to “talent” and contractors must change Labour’s Media Spokesperson Marie Sherlock has welcomed the decisive action by incoming Director General Kevin Bakhurst but said that there is a long road ahead to ensuring that RTÉ comes through this crisis as a stronger public service broadcaster with fairer working conditions. Senator Sherlock said: “Mr Bakhurt’s…

10 July 2023

Gambling advertising must be called to a halt

Government must stop dragging its feet on regulating the industry Labour sports spokesperson Mark Wall has urged Government to take a brave stance and call for an outright ban on gambling ads as gambling legislation is set to be debated in the Justice Committee this week. Senator Wall said: “In print, broadcast, on social media,…

Senator Mark Wall
09 July 2023

More than one car involved? Drip feed of information brings RTÉ crisis into new levels of farce

Major need to re-affirm RTÉ editorial standards and conflict of interest guidelines. Labour Arts, Media and Workers’ rights spokesperson Marie Sherlock said the drip feed of information and the statement today by Marty Morrisey throws RTÉ into greater disarray. Senator Sherlock said: “This evening we have a statement from Marty Morrisey that brings into question…

06 July 2023

Labour welcomes Tanaiste Response on Women of Honour statutory inquiry

Questioning the Tánaiste during Leaders’ Questions today, Labour leader Ivana Bacik urged Government to take on board the views of the Women of Honour group in finalising plans for the statutory inquiry into allegations of abuse and harassment in the Defence Forces. Deputy Bacik said: “The Women of Honour have been clear in outlining their…

Ivana Bacik TD
06 July 2023

Carers allowance must be reformed in Budget 2024

Questioning the Minister for Social Protection in the Dáil today, Labour Health spokesperson Duncan Smith demanded a fundamental change to the structure of the carers allowance. Deputy Smith said: “Carers across the country carry out trojan work to look after loved ones. Carers look after their loved ones in their home, often with little to…

06 July 2023

Education Minister must intervene as ‘influencer teachers’ film paid partnerships in schools

Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has urged the Minister for Education and her Department to issue a circular to all teachers regarding filming paid partnership social media posts within the classroom. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “There’s a broader conversation happening at the moment of what is and is not appropriate in terms of advertising…

06 July 2023

Questions linger over RTÉ employment practices

Labour arts, media and workers’ rights spokesperson Marie Sherlock has called on RTÉ to outline why it believes many of its presenters who make use of personal service companies are contractors rather than employees. Senator Sherlock said: “The payments scandal surrounding RTÉ’s top paid presenter Ryan Tubridy has blown the lid on a range of…

05 July 2023

What else is RTÉ hiding?

Labour arts, media and workers’ rights spokesperson Marie Sherlock said it’s time for RTÉ to lay all its cards on the table. Senator Sherlock said: “There can be no more drip feed of information from RTÉ. I would implore the senior management team to get all their ducks in a row before returning to the…

04 July 2023

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