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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Time for banks to restore tracker mortgages

A recent report by Charlie Weston in the Irish Independent that banks in some instances are refusing to restore tracker mortgages to customers who had them wrongly removed, highlights the need for the authorities to take a harder line with financial institutions. Banks have cheated thousands of customers out of their tracker mortgages, and their…

Labour Admin

03 July 2016

Has Minister Varadkar rowed back on paternity leave for September Dads?

Labour Senator Kevin Humphreys has asked Social Protection Minister Leo Varadkar to clarify when the new paternity leave scheme will come into force. Senator Humphreys said “The previous Labour –Fine Gael government introduced two weeks paid paternity leave for the first time under Budget 2016. It was expected to come into force in September and…

Labour Admin

03 July 2016

Gangland crime is casting a pall over our city

The shooting dead of a man yesterday in Bridgefoot Street who was a resident of Cabra is another gangland killing in the Inner City in the growing saga of such crimes. This killing may or may not be related to the recent feud which caused the deaths of seven people from the North Inner City…

Labour Admin

02 July 2016

Sinn Fein must provide clarity on their American millions

I read with interest in the Irish Times today, that Sinn Fein has raised $354,111 in America in the six months to the end of April, for political activities. This brings to over $12,000,000, the amount that the party has raised in the US since 1995. By the way, this includes money donated by Donald…

Labour Admin

01 July 2016

Is Government acting unconstitutionally with water services Bill?

Alan Kelly TD, questions strongly whether the Government are acting constitutionally when it comes to the current Water Services Bill before the Dail.Deputy Kelly said: “Personally, I believe there is a strong possibility that this Bill is contrary to EU law, which has constitutional primacy over acts of the Oireachtas. I believe that Minister Coveney…

29 June 2016

Labour Party members host public meeting on the refugee crisis

Labour Equality will this evening (June 29th) host a public meeting to discuss the ongoing refugee crisis at the Teachers Club, Parnell Square. The talk will include contributions from experts in the area and speakers on the night will include Senator Ivana Bacik, Labour Party Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Jim Clarken CEO of Oxfam Ireland…

Labour Equality
29 June 2016

Labour Bill builds on progress made in Government

Labour bill builds on progress made in government Speaking in Dail Eireann on Equal Status (Admission To Schools Bill) The Bill being debated this evening builds on progress the Labour Party has made on Equality issues when we had the opportunity in Government recently and in the 1990’s. When Dick Spring gave Equality a place…

Labour Admin

28 June 2016

Admissions policy in state-funded schools must reflect constitutional requirements

Dáil Éireann, Equal Status (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016, Second Stage   Ceann Comhairle,   Education policy can throw up many opinions and preferences, some of them contradictory. But most of us agree that children benefit from meeting and getting to know others from different backgrounds and religions. Most of us agree that diversity in…

Labour Admin

28 June 2016

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