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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Labour will deliver a job for everyone who wants one by 2018 – Burton & Nash

Tánaiste and Labour Party Leader Joan Burton, and Business and Employment Minister Ged Nash, launched ‘Standing up for Jobs’, the Labour Party’s plan for full employment by 2018 this morning in Drogheda. Labour plans to: Deliver a job for everyone who wants one by 2018 and will do this by investing in people, in skills and in the…

Labour Admin

04 February 2016

Martin wrong to claim credit for clearing up the mess he helped cause

Earlier today Micheal Martin had the gall to claim that the economic recovery is down to the work of the previous Fianna Fail administration. Let us remind him of his comments at the Fianna Fail Ard Fheis in 2012 where he quite explicitly admitted that Fianna Fail was in the wrong: “We were in government…

Labour Admin

03 February 2016

Slab Murphy not standing in general election, but Gerry Adams is

While the Sinn Fein President, Gerry Adams, wants to pretend that the case of his friend Slab Murphy is irrelevant to the General Election campaign, the fact is that the nature of their relationship is something voters should think long and hard about over the coming weeks. We hardly need to go over the long…

03 February 2016

New energy poverty strategy to target people with acute health conditions and those in rented accommodation

€20m for pilot targeting people with acute health conditions Public consultation on minimum energy efficiency standards for rental accommodation Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) study of consumer switching Minister for Energy Alex White today (Tuesday) published A Strategy to Combat Energy Poverty, which outlines new measures to improve the living standards and conditions of citizens…

Labour Admin

02 February 2016

‘Grace’ case erodes confidence in HSE – Cahill

Leader, I am calling for a debate on the following issue, which concerns allegations of abuse within a foster home and what the HSE knew. I want to firstly put on record that my heart goes out to the woman at the centre of this, who has become known as Grace, and her family. She…

Labour Admin

02 February 2016

Minister Nash welcomes continuing fall in unemployment figures

Jobless total at its lowest rate in seven years of 8.6% The Minister for Business and Employment Ged Nash TD has welcomed new figures that show the unemployment rate is at its lowest level in seven years.   The figures published by the Central Statistics Office today show that 8.6% of people were unemployed in…

02 February 2016

New school for Gaelscoil Bharra welcome

Minister for Education Jan O’Sullivan visited Gaelscoil Bharra this morning to announce to the pupils and parents that the new school is to be built immediately. The news is most welcome because a generation of children of Cabra have been studying in dilapidated prefabs—too hot in summer, too cold and damp in winter. Local TD…

Labour Admin

02 February 2016

Labour’s fair tax plan will abolish USC for low and middle income earners

Labour’s fair tax plan will deliver for low and middle-income workers by abolishing USC on the first €72,000 of individual income and reducing PRSI for the lowest-paid workers. The plan will put more than €1,100 a year back in the pocket of a worker on €25,000, while ensuring someone earning €120,000 or more continues to…

Labour Admin

02 February 2016

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