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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Injection centres vital to save lives

Labour justice spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called on Government to implement much needed injection centres nationwide. Following a report published by the Health Research Board (HRB) published yesterday that noted of the 84 homeless people who died in 2019, 55% of these deaths were as a result of drugs. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “The…

18 May 2023

Halve asylum seeker waiting times for work

Labour Party Senator and Workers’ Rights Spokesperson Marie Sherlock has said Government must move to halve the waiting times to work for those seeking international protection in Ireland. Senator Sherlock said: “Asylum seekers and refugees from countries, other than Ukraine, are forced to wait six months before seeking work. Anyone who has ever spent time…

18 May 2023

Labour backs calls for Minimum Standard of Living

National Minimum Wage and social welfare payments must establish living income for all Labour social protection spokesperson Seán Sherlock said Budget 2024 must be a levelling budget for all people in Ireland. Supporting Treoir’s call to implement a Minimum Standard of Living, Deputy Sherlock said the conservative coalition cannot fritter anymore of tax payers money…

Seán Sherlock TD
18 May 2023

Investigation into HSE-run nursing homes needed following devastating HIQA report

Labour health spokesperson Duncan Smith has called for a root and branch analysis of HSE-run nursing homes in the wake of a HIQA report into operations nationwide. Deputy Smith said: “Anyone who has a loved one in a nursing homes hopes that they are treated with dignity, respect and care. “The HIQA report published today…

17 May 2023

Irish renters must be vindicated – Govt must legislate now

Commenting about renters’ rights, following the move by the British Government to publish the Renters’ (Reform) Bill, Labour leader and housing spokesperson Ivana Bacik urged Government to progress Labour’s Renters’ Rights Bill to level the playing field for those struggling to rent in Ireland. Deputy Bacik said: “It’s not often that we can take legislative…

Ivana Bacik TD
17 May 2023

Moves on apprentice pay overdue – Government must support Labour bill to ensure apprentices are paid the minimum wage

Labour workers’ rights spokesperson Marie Sherlock welcomed reports that Minister Harris is seeking to address the issues of apprentice pay particularly for the construction trades. Senator Sherlock said that the rate needs to be set at a rate that will attract in and retain apprentices. Senator Sherlock said: “The reality is that trade apprentices are…

16 May 2023

Bill to tackle price gouging published by Labour

The Labour Party is set to introduce a bill to give the Competition & Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) new powers to examine the profits and price setting policies of the country’s giant retailers and take enforcement action where prices are found to be excessive. The Labour Party spokesperson on Enterprise, Ged Nash TD said: “I have been…

16 May 2023

Stoneybatter loses 105 pre-school places in 12 months due to Government failure

Reacting to the news that Stoneybatter is to lose 44 pre-school places, after the loss of 61 places in the same area last year, Labour Senator Marie Sherlock said it is an appalling example of a lack of joined up thinking in Government. Senator Sherlock said: “Between June 2022 and June 2023, the Stoneybatter area…

16 May 2023

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