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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Sherlock questions CRA grading on Affordable Childcare

Labour spokesperson on Children & Youth Affairs Seán Sherlock has queried the grading given to the Government on the Affordable Childcare Scheme, saying that the progress to date is still mired in potential delays due to implementation backlogs, and the funding being committed is not being spent. Deputy Sherlock said: “Despite the announcement of the…

Seán Sherlock TD
26 February 2019

Minister Murphy receives another failing grade on Childhood Homelessness

Labour Housing spokesperson Jan O’Sullivan has described as ‘damning, yet unsurprising’ the news that the Child and Family Homelessness has been downgraded from an E grade to an F grade, by the Children’s Rights Alliance Report Card, 2019. Deputy O’Sullivan agrees that with CRA’s call to declare a housing emergency. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “Today’s report…

Labour Admin

26 February 2019

Decision to disband CervicalCheck Steering Committee insensitive

Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has described the Department of Health as insensitive to the needs of women and their families at the centre of the CervicalCheck scandal. This comes as the Department of Health made a decision to wind up the CervicalCheck Steering Committee. Deputy Kelly: “The bizarre decision by the department…

26 February 2019

Fine Gael must halt the Vitamin Tax hike.

Labour General Election candidate, Alan Mangan has called on Fine Gael to halt the 23% VAT increase on food supplements they are introducing from the 1st March that was sneaked in without any debate in the Dáil. Mr. Mangan and the Labour Party is calling for this now to be freezed as it is a…

Labour Admin

26 February 2019

Delay to ruling concerning for LGBT community in Kenya

Labour LGBT has expressed concern regarding the delay to the court ruling on the criminality of homosexuality in Kenya.    Executive member Karl Hayden said;  “Labour LGBT notes with concern the delay by the Kenyan High Court in making a ruling on the criminality of homosexuality in Kenya. Labour LGBT calls on the judge in the…

25 February 2019

Howlin to meet with Corbyn and PES Prime Ministers this evening

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin is in Madrid, Spain today to attend the launch of the Party of European Socialists manifesto for the upcoming elections in May, and kick off the 2019 campaign for the PES Common Candidate Frans Timmermans. The election congress is being hosted by the Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and the…

Labour Trade Unionists
22 February 2019

Where is Scally’s Second Report? Minister Must Make Statement

Labour Health spokesperson Alan Kelly has called on the Minister for Health to make a statement to clarify where the second report by Dr Gabriel Scally is, and when it will be released. Deputy Kelly said: “I want to know where is Dr Gabriel Scally’s follow up report in relation to the laboratories used by…

22 February 2019

Hynes to campaign for housing, safer roads, community and sport facilities

At the Labour Party convention in Castlecomer Community Hall on Tuesday night, Denis Hynes was selected to contest the local elections, pledging to continue the good work of Cllr Maurice Shortall, and campaign for more housing, safer roads, community and sport facilities. Speaking to members, Denis Hynes said: “It’s a great honour to be selected…

Labour Admin

22 February 2019

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