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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Contact Tracing Skills of Irish Aid Community should be tapped

The skillset of workers in the Irish Aid community who may have worked on contact tracing as part of their response to previous epidemics like Ebola should be tapped for the increasing number of Covid-19 cases in Ireland said Labour TD for Cork East, and former Minister of State in the Department of Foreign Affairs….

Seán Sherlock TD
11 March 2020

Labour cancels remaining Leadership Hustings

As a result of the developing Covid-19 situation, the Labour Party has decided to cancel the remaining two Party Leadership contest hustings that were to be held this Thursday 12th March in Galway, and on Saturday 21st March in Dublin. The Party will examine the possibility of holding an online husting as a replacement. Ballot…

Labour Trade Unionists
11 March 2020

Right to join trade union would help tackle income inequality

A legal right to be represented by a trade union would help tackle low pay and free-up public money to invest in high-quality housing, health, education and childcare, according to Labour TD Aodhán Ó Ríordáin. He was speaking today (Wednesday) at the launch of a major study on inequality in Ireland, by the left-leaning think-tank…

11 March 2020

Price controls on PPE and pharma products needed

Implement Section 61 of the Consumer Protection Act 2007 that deals with a ‘state of emergency affecting supply of a product’. Also seek to implement Section 62 “Power to fix maximum prices during state of emergency” Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has called for the implementation of consumer protection rules to control and…

10 March 2020

A Labour Party we can proud of

Speech by Aodhán Ó Ríordáin to Labour Party Leadership Hustings, Mullingar, Monday 9th March 2020 When I joined the Labour Party as a young teacher, I was teaching ten-year-old girls in Sheriff Street, in inner-city Dublin. I quickly saw how they were missing out on so many opportunities I had taken for granted. I saw…

09 March 2020

Labour must become relevant to rebuild

Speech by Alan Kelly TD at Labout Party Leadership Hustings, Mullingar, Monday 9th March. Sinn Fein in opposition makes the challenge harder. Party must campaign for ‘workers who worry’. Kelly has track record as Health spokesperson of leading national conversation. It is an honour to stand here before you as a candidate to lead our…

09 March 2020

Coronavirus planning must not dilute workers’ rights

Labour Party TD for Dublin Fingal, Duncan Smith, has said that Coronavirus planning must not lead to the diluting of workers’ rights. Deputy Smith said: “The HSE should not be using the Coronavirus as an excuse to undermine the rights of healthcare workers. “I trust our unions and healthcare staff to act in the best…

09 March 2020

Labour Leader hustings tonight 8pm Mullingar Park Hotel

As part of the contest for Labour Party Leader, the third of five hustings for party members will take place tonight in the Mullingar Park Hotel from 8pm. It will include an opening address from each TD followed by a Q&A session for members. This husting is to cover members from the counties of Carlow,…

Labour Trade Unionists
09 March 2020

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