Taoiseach attack on media while on trade mission is inappropriate

Reacting to reports of the Taoiseach’s comments about the media while in New York, Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin said: “The Taoiseach may believe that ‘a free, fair and balanced press is the cornerstone of our democracy,’ but his deeds and moral leadership carry more weight. “No one doubts that Ireland’s links to the United…

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Exchequer returns show need to invest

Labour Finance spokesperson Joan Burton TD has said that the half year exchequer returns show the need to continue to invest in social services and infrastructure to protect Ireland from the impact of any future downturn. Deputy Burton said: “The latest figures show revenue for the year on track, but once again corporation tax receipts…

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Nash slams IAC over treatment of archaeologists

Labour’s Employment Spokesperson Senator Ged Nash has slammed the Irish Archaeological Consultancy over its treatment of skilled archaeologists who are set to take strike action at the Macroom by-pass site tomorrow (Wednesday, 4th July). The workers who are members of Unite trade union are taking action in protest at the employers refusal to engage with…

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Labour Youth calls on Ryanair to address concerns of pilots

Labour Youth has today called on Ryanair to listen to its workers and act appropriately following pilots’ overwhelming vote for industrial action. Speaking on the matter, Chairperson Chloe Manahan has said “Ryanair must now make good on its commitment to engage with trade unions to improve working conditions in order to protect both workers and…

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Ryanair must act to prevent pilots strike

Labour spokesperson on Transport Kevin Humphreys has called on Ryanair to take the concerns of pilots and the needs of passengers seriously following today’s ballot result of pilots who overwhelmingly voted in favor of strike action. Senator Humphreys said: “Ryanair need to get serious about their working conditions and do what is necessary to avoid…

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TK Maxx management in Arklow must accept Labour Court Recommendation

Labour Party Chairperson and candidate for Wicklow, Jack O’Connor has called on management in TK Maxx in Arklow, to accept a Labour Court recommendation to engage with Mandate Trade Union in order to avoid strike action. Mr O’Connor said: “The workers’ strike action relates to a claim for increased pay and improved conditions by Mandate…

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Ireland needs a Standing Commission on Tax

Labour Finance spokesperson Joan Burton TD will today introduce a Bill to establish a Standing Commission on Taxation. The ‘Tax Law Reform and Codification Advisory Committee Bill 2018’ would be tasked with monitoring, reviewing and advising the Minister for Finance on matters concerning the implementation and reform of tax law. Deputy Burton said: “For the…

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Dublin City Council pass Labour motion to secure depot sites for housing and community regeneration

At a meeting of Dublin City Council tonight, a motion proposed by Cllr Mary Freehill, and seconded by Cllr Dermot Lacey was passed ensuring that City Council owned land is first prioritised for social and affordable housing. This will ensure sites, like the depot in Rathmines beside the Swan Centre are retained for public use….

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Bus Network changes must be affordable and efficient

Labour Transport spokesperson Sen. Kevin Humphreys has tentatively welcomed the publication today of proposals from the NTA for radical changes to the bus network in Dublin but said there must a genuine consultation with the public that takes on their views, and the result must be an affordable and efficient service. Senator Humphreys said the…

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Government missing a Brexit trick when it comes to nursing shortage

Labour Party Leader and spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Brendan Howlin TD, has criticised the HSE for failing to capitalise on Brexit concerns to attract nurses to Ireland. Deputy Howlin said: “It is clear through figures released today that show that just three nurses have been recruited through the ‘Bring them Home’ campaign so far this…

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O’Connor expresses concern at the snail’s pace progress on implementation of M11/N11 corridor report

Labour’s Dáil Candidate for Wicklow, Jack O’Connor, has expressed his real concern over the lack of any meaningful progress on the much-needed M11/N11 improvement works. “I am deeply disappointed and really concerned with the snail’s pace of progress since the M11/N11 Corridor Study Report was published back in April 2017”, said Jack O’Connor. “Following representations…

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Lloyds Pharmacy strike highlights need for referendum on collective bargaining

The strike by workers in Lloyds Pharmacy stores across Ireland today (Friday 29th June) highlights the importance of  a constitutional referendum to ensure the right of workers to freely collectively bargain with their employers, says Labour Party chairman Jack O’Connor. Speaking during a solidarity visit to striking Lloyds Pharmacy workers in Wicklow Town in County…

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Ball in Lloyd’s Pharmacy’s court if further strike action is to be avoided

Speaking on the third day of industrial action at the multi-billion euro Lloyd’s Pharmacy chain, Labour’s Workers’ Rights spokesperson Senator Ged Nash said: “The Labour Party fully supports the staff at Lloyds Pharmacy who are on the picket line again today. “A serious escalation of strike action is planned in the coming weeks if the…

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Long hot summer forecasts hard winter to come for Irish farmers

Labour Agriculture spokesperson Willie Penrose TD is calling on Government to provide assurances of assistance for farmers impacted by intense hot weather and drought conditions this summer, saying the Minister’s stakeholder group isn’t enough. Deputy Penrose said: “With temperatures reaching record highs this June farmers are taking the brunt of the impact. Many are still…

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Wexford sympathies sent to ‘Sister City’ Annapolis

Deputy Mayor of Wexford Cllr. George Lawlor has expressed sympathy to the people of Annapolis, Maryland following the gun attack yesterday that has left at least 5 people dead and others seriously injured. Wexford Town has had a ‘Sister City’ relationship with the Maryland State Capital for over 30 years and many visiting delegations have…

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Juvenile spat between FF and FG devoid of policy differences

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin has criticised the juvenile spat that has broken out between the Taoiseach and Fianna Fáil as devoid of policy differences with both agreed on the limited package for next year’s budget. Deputy Howlin said: “The last two weeks has seen Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael bend over backwards with each…

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Taoiseach and Prime Minister should attend Intergovernmental Conference

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin has welcomed the long awaited announcement of a date for a British-Irish Intergovernmental conference on 25th July but said it is necessary now for the Taoiseach and Prime Minister to both attend, and engage at summit level to achieve real and lasting progress. Deputy Howlin said: “For 18 months the…

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Bord Pleanála admission of error on St.Annes’s justifies judicial review

Labour Party representative for Dublin Bay North, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has welcomed the admission by An Bord Pleanála that they made an error in granting planning permission to build 536 units on St. Anne’s Park. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “The admission of An Bord Pleanála in the High Court today that they made an error…

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3826 children homeless – school holidays a nightmare for Hotel families

Labour Housing spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan, speaking on Dáil statements on child homelessness reacted to the latest figures for May, saying it is a national scandal that 3,826 children are homeless, and that the school holidays present a nightmare scenario for hotel families. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “Homeless figures for May, just released, are truly shocking showing…

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Donegal Gold Band discovery shows need for review of legislation

Commenting on the discovery of four Bronze Age gold bands in Co. Donegal, Labour spokesperson on Culture and Heritage, Joan Burton TD has called for a review of current legislation around artefact finds and handling to ensure that people are encouraged to come forward with finds, and said that regional and county museums should be…

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Time to make primary education free

Labour Education spokesperson, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has today published new proposals to ensure a real free primary education so that the State provides school books at no cost to parents, bans voluntary contributions, and delivers on the commitment made in our Constitution in Article 42.4. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “As primary schools across the…

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Hynes is the real deal for working people in Carlow – Kilkenny

Labour Party Employment Spokesperson Ged Nash has described Denis Hynes who is the new Labour Party candidate for Carlow-Kilkenny as ‘the real deal for working people’ in the constituency. Senator Nash, who chaired the selection convention tonight to select the SIPTU official as Labour’s standard bearer in the next general election said: “Denis Hynes embodies…

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Couples in same-sex marriages need more parental rights

Labour LGBT is calling for the immediate commencement of legislation to allow for formal parental rights for couples in same sex marriages following a peaceful protest held outside Leinster House today on the matter. Co-Chair of Labour LGBT Aoife Leahy commented: “The Children and Family Relationships Act has to be amended to fix unintended problems…

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Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown agrees to make the Council work better for new parents

Labour Party spokesperson on Equality, Cllr. Deirdre Kingston has welcomed the agreement of Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council’s organisational committee that it will look at formulating and implementing a new policy to support Councillors who have become new parents. Cllr Kingston said: “At the moment, we have absolutely no maternity leave for councillors. This means that…

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