An Post gets special Christmas delivery of petition with over 3000 signatures to save Phibsborough Post Office

An Post got their own special Christmas delivery this morning as Joe Costello, local Area Representatives Declan Meenagh and Marie Sherlock, local business man Richard Collis and local resident Marian Kelly delivered a petition of over 3,000 signatures to the CEO of An Post, Mr David McRedmond calling on them to reverse their decision to…

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Action needed to curb rising rents- O’Sullivan

Commenting on the latest figures from the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB), Labour Housing spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has said that the issue of rising rents must be addressed to prevent more people from becoming homeless. The figures show the average rent for new tenancies is up by 10% on last year, and has surpassed the…

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Time for Irish people to have their say on the Eighth Amendment

Welcoming the publication of the final report of the Committee on the Eighth Amendment, Labour’s representative on the committee, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has said it is time for the Irish people to have their say on the issue. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “The report published by the Committee today, which comes after three months of evidence…

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Howlin calls for all-party approach to referendum bill

The Labour Party Leader, Brendan Howlin, has called for an all-party approach in the Oireachtas on the passage of the abortion referendum bill. Deputy Howlin said: “It is clear that whatever views individual TDs may hold about this question that a near consensus is emerging that it should be adjudicated on by the people in…

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Downgrading of Portlaoise Hospital must be stopped

Labour spokesperson on Health, Alan Kelly TD, has said any downgrading of Portlaoise Hospital must be stopped and that the Minister should make his intentions clear. Deputy Kelly said: “Any downgrading of Portlaoise hospital is unacceptable both in the context of the Sláintecare Report and a growing population locally. “There is a bed capacity review…

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Passage of Electoral Bill is a victory for democracy

Speaking after the hearing in the High Court this morning, former TD and Minister, Joe Costello stated: “I am happy to discontinue my proceedings against the Oireachtas, The Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government and The Attorney General as the purpose of my legal action has now been achieved and the threat to the…

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British Government protecting DUP donors

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin TD, has described as ‘scandalous’ the decision by the British Government to only apply politcal funding transparency in Northern Ireland from 1st July 2017. Deputy Howlin said: “The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland will tomorrow bring into force new transparency regulations on electoral donations with effect back as far…

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Serious questions to be answered in Kerry Hospital

Labour Health spokesperson Alan Kelly TD has said this morning that serious questions remain to be answered in Kerry Hospital, including why the public are only finding out about it now. This follows a similar problem in 2015 with misdiagnosed scans that also included Kerry. Deputy Kelly said: “The review of 46,000 X Ray images…

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Howlin expresses disappointment at Taoiseach’s Austrian congratulations

Labour Party Leader and spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Brendan Howlin TD has expressed his surprise and disappointment at the tweet from the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar congratulating the new Austrian Premier Sebastian Kurz. Deputy Howlin commented: “Chummy jokes about who is the youngest EPP leader is doesn’t cut it when the new Austrian Government has been…

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Ryanair should extend trade union recognition to other workers in company – Howlin

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin TD, has called on Ryanair to make early and generous concessions to other categories of workers at the company in their bids to secure union recognition and to move quickly to ensure that there is no break in Christmas services. Deputy Howlin said: “We can’t have a situation where there…

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Loss of and inability to find private rental accommodation key cause of homelessness

A report presented at today’s Dublin City Council Housing Strategic Policy Committee identified the loss of private rental accommodation and subsequent inability to find replacement private rental accommodation as the key source of homelessness. The reason cited for the loss of private rental accommodation was a Notice to Quit. The next most significant cause was…

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Labour Party Statement on the 8th Amendment

At its meeting last night, following a recommendation from the Party Leader Brendan Howlin, the Labour Party Executive Board, the party’s highest ranking body, endorsed the position adopted by its representative Jan O’Sullivan at the Oireachtas Committee on the 8th Amendment, and committed to supporting that position in the Oireachtas and when the proposal is…

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Trade union recognition by Ryanair a significant move – Howlin

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin TD, has welcomed the decision by Ryanair to recognise pilot unions in an attempt to avoid a pre-Christmas strike. Deputy Howlin said: “This significant move by Ryanair to recognise pilot unions for the first time is to be welcomed. “For too long we have seen a denial of the right…

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Government must draft legislation in line with 8th Committee recommendations -Labour Women and Labour Youth

Labour Women and Labour Youth are today welcoming the recommendations of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on the 8th Amendment and calling on government to prioritise the drafting of legislation to give effect to these recommendations.  Commenting, Labour Women Chair Sinead Ahern said: “This is a historic moment for women in Ireland as the Joint Oireachtas…

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Ó Ríordáin welcomes Seanad agreement on Labour SNA motion

Labour spokesperson on Education, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has welcomed agreement by the Seanad this afternoon of Labour’s motion to protect the employment rights of Special Needs Assistants, and recognise the vital role they play in our schools system. Senator Ó Ríordáin commented: “This is a really positive result from the Seanad today and shows…

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Clarity urgently needed on future of Portlaoise A&E – Wall

Labour Party General Election candidate for Kildare South Councillor Mark Wall, has called on the Minister for Health to ensure that there is no downgrading of Accident and Emergency services in the Midland Regional Hospital in Portlaoise. Councillor Wall said: “The Minister for Health needs to commit to ensuring that there is no downgrading of…

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Labour motion to recognise vital role of SNAs in our school system

The Labour Party will today bring a motion before the Seanad that seeks to protect the employment rights of Special Needs Assistants, and recognise the vital role they play in our schools system. Speaking ahead of the private members debate later today, Labour Education spokesperson, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin commented: “Ireland has close to 14,000…

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High salary no substitute for political leadership in Gardai

The Labour Party Leader, Brendan Howlin, has questioned the Government decision to potentially offer the new Garda Commission a salary of in excess of €250,000. Deputy Howlin said: “The idea that our problems with An Garda Síochána have their roots in the pay of the Commissioner is a convenient cop out for successive Ministers for…

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Kelly welcomes money motion to advance Labour Craft Beer Bill

Welcoming today’s Government motion on the Labour Party’s Craft Brewers Bill, Alan Kelly TD has said the move signifies that the proposed legislation is moving in the right direction. A Financial Resolution regarding the Intoxicating Liquor (Breweries and Distilleries) Bill 2016 has been accepted by Government today. Deputy Kelly said: “Ireland’s craft beer industry has…

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Talks needed to avert travel disruption for air passengers flying home for Christmas

Labour spokesperson on Transport, Senator Kevin Humphreys, has urged all sides in the Ryanair dispute to hold talks to avert travel disruption for air passengers later this month. Senator Humphreys said: “Many people will have flights booked to come home or travel abroad for Christmas and a strike by pilots could cause major travel disruption….

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Clare Co-Op scheme a rare good news story in Housing

Labour Housing spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has said the Co-op social housing scheme in County Clare highlighted on Morning Ireland today, in which up to 51 families are to be housed before Christmas, highlights the benefits of this type of system in tackling the housing crisis. The houses in Ennis and Sixmilebridge are being provided…

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Lack of drink-driving prosecutions not good enough

Labour Justice spokesperson Sean Sherlock TD has said that is not acceptable that only 58% of drink driving cases resulted in a conviction and that the failure to follow up on many other cases is disappointing. Speaking in advance of the RTÉ Investigates programme tonight, Deputy Sherlock said: “Drink driving is one of the biggest…

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Stronger assurances needed on ‘Gentleman’s Agreement’

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin TD, has expressed reservations about the vacillation by UK Cabinet members in recent days over the UK-EU agreement and said that the Irish Government must now seek stronger assurances at the EU Council meeting on Thursday. Deputy Howlin said: “Words must mean something in international agreements, but in recent days…

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City Traffic Gridlock shows need for Operation Freeflow

Labour Transport spokesperson, Sen. Kevin Humphreys has said that the city centre traffic chaos this morning due to a signals failure shows once again the urgent need for the reinstatement of Operation Freeflow. Senator Humphreys said: “A fortnight ago I raised the need for the reintroduction of Operation Freeflow to deal with the ongoing traffic…

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