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Time for overhaul of unfair dismissals legislation in Ireland

Labour marks 10th Anniversary of the opening of Rosie Hackett Bridge In order to break down barriers to trade union access in Ireland, overhaul of Unfair Dismissals Act and other legislation is necessary. Clear need to penalise egregious employer behaviour – current unfair dismissals legislation does not provide for that and only provides for a…

19 May 2024

Summer swimmers need safe water

Labour leader and TD for Dublin Bay South Ivana Bacik has welcomed the EPA report that 97% of designated bathing locations met or exceeded the minimum standard. However, Deputy Bacik said that the failure of Sandymount Strand to meet the quality test should urge the enactment of a Dublin Bay Taskforce, as proposed in Labour’s…

Ivana Bacik TD
16 May 2024

Bacik calls for action on Occupied Territories Bill

Government must get updated advice from Attorney General Labour’s Leader Ivana Bacik TD has called on Government to get updated advice from the Attorney General in light of the escalating conflict in Palestine. Speaking at Leader’s Questions today, Deputy Bacik highlighted the solidarity shown by communities across Ireland with the people of Palestine and underscored…

Ivana Bacik TD
15 May 2024

We need meaningful Government action on road safety

Labour’s Transport Spokesperson Duncan Smith TD criticised the Government for its lack of urgent action on road safety, despite not opposing Labour’s Dáil motion today. Deputy Smith said “Years of positive road safety trends are being reversed, and we are far past the time for working groups and mere expressions of concern. We need urgent…

15 May 2024

Government must support Labour’s Motion for Road Safety Enhancement

Local authorities need support for cycle lanes. Labour Leader Deputy Ivana Bacik is calling for immediate action to enhance road safety across Ireland. With National Bike Week underway, the focus is on empowering local authorities to improve cycle lanes and ensuring the safety of all road users. Deputy Bacik said: “It is imperative that we…

Ivana Bacik TD
15 May 2024

Labour calls for renewed urgency on road safety

Labour’s Transport Spokesperson Duncan Smith TD is calling for Government support ahead of Labour’s Private Members Motion in the Dáil, urging an immediate increase in funds to repair damaged road surfaces. Extreme winter weather conditions and the climate crisis have worsened an already dire situation across the country’s roads. Deputy Smith said, “While we welcome…

15 May 2024

Fine Gael interference with Low Pay Commission is dangerous

Attempts to lean on the independent statutory body is Fine Gael’s ‘we’ve had enough of experts’ moment Labour’s Enterprise spokesperson Ged Nash TD today condemned Fine Gael’s attempt to slow the rate of increase for the national minimum wage by influencing the Low Pay Commission (LPC), an independent statutory body. Deputy Nash said: “The LPC…

14 May 2024

Labour launches 108 local election candidates to deliver communities that work for all

108 candidates across 27 local authorities  Contesting all European constituencies  Pledges to build homes, tackle roads and build sustainable communities  Today, (Sunday 12th May), Labour unveiled 108 candidates contesting the local elections nationwide on June 7th. Launching Labour’s candidates for the local and European elections, Labour leader Ivana Bacik said now more than ever, communities…

Ivana Bacik TD
12 May 2024

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