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Banking review a missed opportunity for Sparkasse-style community banking model

Lack of explicit guarantees on local bank branches a cause for major concern Labour finance spokesperson Ged Nash TD has today (Tuesday, 29th November) said the publication of the Banking Review Report is a missed opportunity for a Sparkassen-style community banking model. Deputy Nash said: “While the publication of the review is welcome and an…

29 November 2022

Social housing income eligibility threshold more tinkering around the edges from government

Income limits only increased by €5,000 taking into account 16,000 renters Tiny intervention in market will continue to lock people out Less people will qualify than in 2011 because increase hasn’t kept up with inflation despite social and rental crisis in 2022 being much more Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan said the increase announced to…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
29 November 2022

Labour to demand Citizens’ Assembly on drugs with decriminalisation of the user at the centre

Labour justice spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called on government to set a date for the promised Citizens’ Assembly on drugs. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said that given Ireland now has the joint-highest rate of drug induced deaths among 16 to 64 year olds in the European Union, it’s clear that the criminalisation of drug users…

29 November 2022

Creche closures, high fees, lack of places – time for equal early years

Today, during Questions on Policy or Legislation with the Taoiseach, Labour Leader and TD for Dublin Bay South Ivana Bacik highlighted the crisis in childcare, and called for the adoption of a universal, public childcare system. Deputy Bacik said: “Over decades, the failure of successive governments to take responsibility for a national childcare policy has…

Ivana Bacik TD
29 November 2022

Answers not spin needed on investment in student accommodation

Despite a whirlwind of publicity today from the Minister for Higher Education about long needed state support for student accommodation, Labour spokesperson Annie Hoey highlighted that no figures have been given on how much money the government is actually investing, when the units will be available and what affordable will really mean for students. Senator…

Senator Annie Hoey image
29 November 2022

Minister must act as teacher shortages failing children

Labour calls for an urgent round table discussion with stakeholders Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has said the children of Dublin are being failed over the chronic teacher shortages in schools across the capital with over 60% of supply posts vacant, and called on the Minister to convene an urgent round table with stakeholders…

28 November 2022

Labour demands change of tack on housing at Raise the Roof rally this Saturday

Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan said for too long Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil have been allowed to make excuses on housing. Urging attendance at the Raise the Rood rally this Saturday, Senator Moynihan said it’s clear that the civil war parties simply don’t understand the housing needs of the next generation. Senator Moynihan said:…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
25 November 2022

Time has come to decriminalise drug users

Launching Labour’s motion calling for a date to be set for a Citizens’ Assembly on drugs, Labour justice spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin said it’s time for a step change in how we treat drug users in Ireland. Speaking today, Deputy Ó Ríordáin said we must take a health based approach to drug use in Ireland,…

24 November 2022

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