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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Rent freeze needed in light of RTB Rent Index findings

8.2% annual increase in rents Raise the Roof protest this Saturday will demand change for renters Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan said government must commit to a comprehensive suite of measures for renters as rents continue to rise nationwide which must include a rent freeze. Senator Moynihan said with average rents in Dublin over €2,000…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
24 November 2022

Taoiseach must honour promise to Vicky Phelan and deliver open disclosure before Christmas

Labour TD for Tipperary, Alan Kelly has today said urgent action must be taken to make the Patient Safety Bill fit for purpose and that the Taoiseach must honour his promise to Vicky Phelan to introduce open disclosure before Christmas. Speaking following the launch of the Scally review into the CervicalCheck screening programme, Deputy Kelly…

23 November 2022

Housing pushing households into enormous financial burden – Govt must deliver affordable options

Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan expressed her concern at the latest deprivation statistics released by the CSO today. With two in three households living in enforced deprivation struggling with the heavy burden of housing, Senator Moynihan said social housing supports must be put in place for households that are struggling, including a revision of HAP…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
23 November 2022

Taoiseach must provide Renters with Greater Security

Why is the balance of ‘undue hardship’ in favour of corporate landlords rather than families renting homes? Questioning the Taoiseach in the Dáil today (Wednesday, 23rd November), Labour leader Ivana Bacik demanded answers from the Taoiseach on behalf of renters who are facing eviction. In particular, she raised concerns that corporate landlords are using Section…

Ivana Bacik TD
23 November 2022

Junior Cert students need certainty now

Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has congratulated the junior certificate class of 2022 who receive their results today. Deputy O Ríordain said these students have overcome huge challenges and uncertainties during Covid. Deputy Ó Ríordáin called for certainty for the class of 2023 on timing of results, as the delays for this year’s cohort…

23 November 2022

Pressure on local services never an excuse to intimidate and make people feel unwelcome

Speaking in response to a second protest held outside the former ESB building in East Wall, Labour Senator Marie Sherlock has said that there is never an excuse for holding a protest in an intimidating and demeaning manner designed to drive people out of an area. Sherlock said: “The 380 individuals and families who will…

22 November 2022

Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael are failing fast – rental market in chaos

Responding to figures published by today, Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan said the 14% increase in rents year on year shows a housing market totally out of control. Senator Moynihan said the record 4.3% increase in three months between June and September alone is deeply concerning. As renters battle it out for a roof…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
22 November 2022

Labour condemns savage and sickening attack of two Gardaí in Ballyfermot

Labour justice spokesperson Aodhan Ó Ríordáin has today strongly condemned what he described as a savage and sickening attack on two Gardaí in Ballyfermot and said that an absolutely zero tolerance approach to assaults to workers in service of the State needs to be taken. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “The attack on two Gardai last…

21 November 2022

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