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12 months on from Govt commitment to improving apprentice pay – silence from Govt

No sign of the promised amendments to apprentice pay in the Construction Safety Licensing Bill. Stalled in the Dáil since June 27th last year. No sign of Government commissioned research into apprentice pay. All the while, construction apprentices are expected to earn €7.16 per hour in year 1 and €10.75 in year 2. Issue of…

03 May 2024

Smith urges safety on the roads this May bank holiday weekend

Road infrastructure must be addressed Accident blackspots must be monitored Labour transport spokesperson Duncan Smith urged all motorists to be careful on the roads this bank holiday weekend. Deputy Smith said: “There have been far too many tragic accidents on our roads already in 2024 with 69 lives lost in the first four months of…

03 May 2024

University Hospital Limerick crisis demands urgent political leadership

Hiqa report finds significant risk to patient safety Urgent need for safe staffing levels. Labour’s Health Spokesperson, Duncan Smith TD, has sounded the alarm following the recent report by the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA), which uncovered significant risks faced by patients at University Hospital Limerick (UHL). The inspection report concluded that patients are…

02 May 2024

HIQA Report into UHL demands crisis response

Labour’s Limerick Mayoral Candidate Cllr Conor Sheehan has said the HIQA report into UHL A&E is an absolute disgrace and requires urgent response. Cllr Sheehan was speaking after the report found patients ‘still at risk of harm’ in the UHL Emergency Department given the persistent overcrowding and the length of time it takes to see…

02 May 2024

Rental crisis roars on: Government must act now

Labour Leader and Housing Spokesperson Ivana Bacik TD expressed deep concern following the publication of the latest Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) rent index for the final quarter of 2023. The report revealed that rents for new tenancies outside the Greater Dublin Area surged by nearly double the rate compared to Dublin. With an annual increase…

Ivana Bacik TD
02 May 2024

Pregnancy loss leave is a workplace issue

Labour Leader Ivana Bacik TD, today on May Day, raised Labour’s Reproductive Leave Bill in the Dáil today, highlighting the ongoing struggle for workers’ rights and the urgent need for compassionate policies regarding reproductive health. Deputy Bacik said “Today, on May Day, we honour the progress made in securing workers’ rights, but we also recognise…

Ivana Bacik TD
01 May 2024

Safe access zones step towards respect and dignity in healthcare

Labour Senator and Oireachtas health committee member Annie Hoey has welcomed the passage of the Safe Access Zones bill through all stages. Senator Hoey said: “The passage of the Safe Access Zones legislation is a momentous occasion and will represent a step in the right direction for people who are seeking reproductive healthcare. “Unfortunately, we…

Senator Annie Hoey image
01 May 2024

Next five years vital to the positive agenda for working people

Von der Leyen and EPP shift to the right is bad news for workers. Dublin needs a strong MEP in the Socialists & Democrats Group to campaign for workers’ rights To mark May Day, Labour’s European candidate for Dublin, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has set out his agenda for workers’ rights for the next five-year term…

01 May 2024

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