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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Unsustainable transport costs must be addressed

• 20% reduction in transport fares already wiped out by cost increases Labour Senator Mark Wall has today (Friday, 18th February) demanded clarity from the government regarding the 20% reduction in transport fares and its actual effectiveness. Senator Wall said: “We welcomed the announcement from the government that people would see a 20% reduction in…

Senator Mark Wall
18 February 2022

Land Value Sharing must be implemented before Summer

As high value land in Dublin is expected to be rezoned, Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan has called on government to implement the Land Value Sharing aspect of the Housing for All strategy before the summer. Senator Moynihan said: “The Land Value Sharing promised in the Housing for All strategy has yet to be delivered…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
17 February 2022

Political accountability needed on Health recruitment

After raising at Leader’s Questions revelations from internal Department of Health meetings, Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly said there must be political accountability for health service recruitment targets and the impact of unfilled positions on health services. Deputy Kelly said: “The Taoiseach and the Minister for Health must take political responsibility for issues in our…

15 February 2022

Labour table amendment to Dáil Renters motion

Critical that income from work isn’t taxed more than passive investment income. Labour Finance spokesperson Ged Nash has tabled an amendment to the Sinn Féin motion tonight on renters and investment funds, calling for income from rent for all landlords to be taxed, at a minimum, at the same marginal rate as income from work….

15 February 2022

Nash welcomes Government adoption of Labour’s Lobbying Bill

Labour’s Public Expenditure & Reform spokesperson Ged Nash has today welcomed the effective adoption of the Labour Party’s Post-Term Regulation of Lobbying Bill, 2020 by the government. Deputy Nash said: “Last June, members of Dáil Éireann debated a Labour Party Bill that would make a breach of the twelve month ‘cooling-off’ period for Ministers turned…

15 February 2022

Labour launch bill to end single-gender school admissions within 10-15 years

Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has today published a bill to end single-gender school admission policies. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said the time has come to bring Ireland’s education system more in line with international norms. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “The fact that so many of our schools are still separated by gender sends the…

15 February 2022

Extraordinary questions must be answers by Minister Donnelly urgently

Labour’s health spokesperson Duncan Smith has today (Sunday, 13th February) written to the Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly to demand answers to extraordinary questions of governance, recruitment and accountability raised by a leaked audio recording of a Department of Health meeting. Deputy Smith said: “The leaked recording of an internal Department of Health meeting reported…

13 February 2022

Labour supports ICTU demand for inflation proofed pay increases

Labour Party spokesperson for Finance, Ged Nash has today (Friday, 11th February) supported calls from the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) for its affiliates to campaign for inflation proofed pay increases to deal with the cost of living crisis. Deputy Nash said: “The pressure being put upon working people is immense and the reality…

11 February 2022

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