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Govt must now honour Labour motion to keep broadband in public ownership

Labour TD Seán Sherlock has welcomed the overwhelming majority given to the party’s motion to keep Ireland’s broadband network in public ownership. The motion, which was debated during Private Members’ time last night, has been passed by 86 votes to 50 in the Dáil this afternoon. Deputy Sherlock said: “Today’s result has given us a…

Seán Sherlock TD
24 October 2019

National Broadband Plan has been dogged by confusion and underestimation of costs

I am from the heart of rural Ireland, Ballynacargy, and I am acutely aware of the vital importance of the delivery of broadband to many hundreds of people who reside in areas like Rathowen, Legan, Ballymore, Drumraney, Carrickboy, Abbeyshrule, Milltown and so many other rural areas. Many in those areas could set up telecottage-type industries…

Labour Admin

24 October 2019

We can deliver rural broadband without trapping future generations into excessive costs

A well-regulated market economy requires a strong regulator and genuine competition among multiple enterprises. But when it comes to network infrastructure, whether an electricity grid or, as in this case, a network of fibre optic cables, it is often not possible to have multiple competing firms. It is simply prohibitively expensive and patently inefficient to…

Labour Admin

23 October 2019

If we are investing €3bn in delivering rural broadband it should remain in public hands

Ceann Comhairle, I move the motion. I am sharing time with my colleague Brendan Howlin. The Labour Party believes that if the Government is to spend over €2.9 billion of public money on a broadband network, over 25 years that such a network should be owned by the State.   You’d have to look long…

Seán Sherlock TD
23 October 2019

Montague welcomes award for Strive Ballymun

Labour spokesperson on Community Affairs, Andrew Montague has welcomed the recognition given to Strive Ballymun where they will receive the Public Protection award from the Confederation of European Probation tonight. Mr Montague said: “The Confederation of European Probation will tonight award the Public Protection award to Strive Ballymun, a multi-agency response to crime that I…

Labour Admin

23 October 2019

Howlin concern at double jobs blow in under 48 hours

Labour Party leader Brendan Howlin TD, has expressed serious concern about the major job losses announced in the South-West in the past 48 hours at Novartis and Molex. Deputy Howlin, who raised the issue with the Taoiseach in the Dáil today, commented: “In less than 48 hours we’ve had two significant job loss announcements in…

Labour Admin

23 October 2019

Moynihan appalled at brazen attack on tourists

Labour Councillor in Dublin’s South West Inner-City Rebecca Moynihan has expressed her shock at the appalling attack on two tourists near the Guinness Storehouse. Cllr Moynihan said:  “Like anyone who’s seen the footage of the attack on two tourists in broad daylight in the heart of Dublin yesterday, I am absolutely appalled. “While the use…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
23 October 2019

13% increase in October trolley numbers is a worrying trend for winter months

Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has said Minister Harris needs to make it his business to publish the Winter Initiative this week. Deputy Kelly said: “While Brexit and other issues have dominated headlines, 7,713 people have been on trolleys since the beginning of October – a 13% increase on the same time period…

23 October 2019

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