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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

House price inflation out of control – action not words required from Govt

Labour’s new Land Bill due for debate in the Dáil on Wednesday would give local authorities the power to CPO development land at its existing use value plus 25%. The Land Bill would enact key recommendation of 1973 ‘Kenny Report’ that FG and FG have blocked for decades. Bill would tackle land hoarding and speculation…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
14 June 2021

11.30am LH Plinth – Labour to launch land bill to make new housing more affordable

Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly, together with Housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan and Seanad Leader Ivana Bacik will be available on the plinth at Leinster House this morning at 11.30am to launch our new Land Bill that would implement the 1973 Kenny Report and speak to issues of the day. The bill will be debated in…

Tánaiste kite-flying on tax reveals lack of substantive thought

Labour Party Spokesperson on Finance Ged Nash has described today’s comments from the Tánaiste on income tax cuts as “standard election related kite-flying by Fine Gael” that “reveals the party’s obsession with Sunday morning headlines over real, sustainable policy development.” Mr Nash said that Ireland needed to engage in some serous thinking on economic matters…

13 June 2021

Hands-off approach to aviation from Govt must end – Smith asks for Dáil debate

Emergency Dáil debate needed as 480 jobs lost and regional connectivity devastated. Clairty needed on what was done to save PSO routes. Constant delay on antigen testing unacceptable. After Stobart Air ceased operations impacting 480 jobs and causing a devestating loss of regional connectivity, Labour Transport spokesperson Duncan Smith said the hands-off approach from government…

12 June 2021

Labour proposes direct investment in school football

With Euro2020 finally kicking off, the Labour Party have published a new proposal calling for the creation of a transition year programme in participating schools to develop a football academy structure. The proposal was published by Education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin together with Sports spokesperson Senator Mark Wall, and youth spokesperson Senator Ivana Bacik. Deputy…

11 June 2021

11.30am today LH Plinth – Labour to launch new school football policy as Euro2020 kicks off

With Euro2020 about to finally ‘kick off’ this evening, Labour Education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin together with our sports spokesperson Mark Wall and youth spokesperson Ivana Bacik will at 11.30am, Friday 11th June on the Leinster House plinth publish a new policy proposal that proposes to support Irish football in our secondary schools. What: Launch…

Failure to freeze rents and secure tenancies in latest Govt proposals

Responding to the tenancy measures announced by the Minister for Housing today, Labour Housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan said there were but that what’s proposed it will do very little to protect the vast majority of renters. Senator Moynihan said: “It sums up the failure of this government’s housing policy that this will be the fifth…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
09 June 2021

Sick pay proposals are here – at last – but concerns remain for low-paid workers

Labour’s employment spokesperson Senator Marie Sherlock has said that the memo from cabinet, while late, is welcome – but expressed serious concern over the impact of the Government’s sick leave proposals on low-paid and younger workers.   Speaking after the Tánaiste’s announcement, Senator Sherlock said: “While much of today’s announcement is welcome, it is also severely…

09 June 2021

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