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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Citizens Assembly on role of Church in Education must be a priority

Many issues must be examined for the Future of Education. Dominant influence of Catholic Church and Flourish Sex Education programme must be addressed. Taoiseach didn’t give any time commitment for Programme for Government commitment this week. Labour Party Education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has called for the Government to commit as a priority to convening…

02 May 2021

Time for a new social contract focused on Labour policies

Ireland becoming no country for young people. Too many people are just about getting by or struggling. Time for a new social contract focused on Labour policies. Marking May Day, International Day of the Worker, Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly TD spoke to the #NoGoingBack online webinar of the relaunched Labour Trade Unionist section. In…

01 May 2021

New National Childcare Scheme fails to recognise importance of supporting after school care for some families

Following her interaction on Friday with Minister Roderic O’Gorman about the National Childcare scheme, Labour Senator Marie Sherlock said it is clear that the Department of Children fails to recognise the importance of supporting after school care and the needs of school going children outside of school hours. She said this failure is threatening the…

01 May 2021

Victory for autism community as Government backs Labour’s National Autism Empowerment Strategy

Speaking after Labour’s motion calling for a National Autism Empowerment Strategy was accepted by Dáil Éireann last night, education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin thanked all members of the Dáil for their support. The Government must now act in line with the will of Dáil Éireann and publish plans to implement an Autism Advisory Council, paving…

30 April 2021

No child’s schooling should be a casualty of Covid-19

Worrying figures reported by the Irish Times this morning show that a huge number of children are slipping through the cracks as a result of Covid-19 school closures. Labour spokesperson on children Senator Ivana Bacik has urged the Government to heed advice from the Labour Party and implement a ‘Catch Up for Children’ scheme to…

Ivana Bacik TD
30 April 2021

Minister must write to social media platforms in support of sporting organisations social media blackout

As football organisations in England boycott social media from this afternoon, Labour sports spokesperson Senator Mark Wall has urged all sporting organisations and professionals to show a united front against social media abuse. Senator Wall said: “The Labour Party stand in support with sporting organisation’s decision to do a social media blackout this weekend to…

Senator Mark Wall
30 April 2021

Fianna Fáil’s developer led mindset will never deliver affordable rents

News that the Housing Minister will allow investors to build ‘cost rental’ homes for profit is not surprising but deeply dangerous, said Labour’s housing spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan. In a week where Government had an opportunity to support a Labour amendment which would tie rent and the concept of ‘affordability’ to people’s incomes, the Government…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
30 April 2021

Every tool must be used to keep Covid under control as Government relax restrictions

Antigen testing has a vital role to play in controlling virus. Must continue to monitor new variants. Transparency and clarity of communication on vaccination programme essential. Continued economic supports for workers and businesses critical. Responding to the Government announcement on restrictions this evening, Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly acknowledged the huge sacrifices the public have…

29 April 2021

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