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Labour to publish Information and Tracing Bill for Mother & Baby Home Survivors – 12pm LH Plinth

Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly and Seanad Leader Ivana Bacik will be available to speak to the media at 12pm today, Tuesday 19th January on the Leinster House plinth when they publish a bill to allow adopted people access to their birth certs. What: Doorstep with Alan Kelly and Ivana Bacik on launch of Adoption…

Labour Trade Unionists
18 January 2021

Arrest of Navalny shows need for Irish Magnitsky bill

Ireland must lead on human rights abuses and use Security Council seat to make an impact. Howlin’s Proceeds of Crime (Gross Human Rights Abuses) Bill, based on the Magnitsky Bill would allow for CAB to seize assets in Ireland that result from international human rights abuses. The arrest today, and previous poisoning of the Russian…

Labour Admin

18 January 2021

Transparency on status of bank bonuses and pay cap needed if AIB buys Goodbody

Return to the speculative economy of the Celtic Tiger must be opposed. Labour Finance spokesperson Ged Nash has called on the Minister and the Department for Finance to be transparent on what carve out, if any has been provided for banker bonuses and stockbroker pay if AIB proceeds to repurchase Goodbody stockbrokers. Deputy Nash said:…

18 January 2021

Citizenship applications of frontline workers must be urgently fast-tracked

Labour spokesperson on Children, Disability, Equality and Integration, Senator Ivana Bacik, has called on the Minister for Justice to fast-track Irish citizenship for the many frontline workers who have been the backbone of the health system throughout the pandemic. As many non-EU citizens continue to work on Ireland’s frontline, Bacik has reiterated the importance of…

Ivana Bacik TD
18 January 2021

Vacant housing levy needed to tackle scandal of empty luxury apartments

After 6 months a levy should apply to empty housing units. Speculators artificially trying to inflate rent and housing prices by keeping units off market. Referendum on housing needed to balance rights of tenants and social good with rights of property owners. With the Business Post revealing today that hundreds of luxury apartments in Dublin…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
17 January 2021

Workers’ protections paramount in safeguarding the future of Irish media

In its submission to the Future of Media Commission, the Labour Party spokesperson Marie Sherlock has called on the Commission to prioritise decent employment conditions for those employed in the sector, continued protection and promotion of the State public service broadcaster, the provision of support to local and regional media and to ensure appropriate regulation of…

17 January 2021

Minister could help stimulate spending by scrapping wage scheme and PUP tax bills

Workers who have already experienced a drop in wages and unemployment now face a double hit with TWSS and PUP tax bills. Scrapping Covid-19 related tax bills would provide vital household stimulus for those who need it most. Money allocated to doomed Staycation Subsidy Scheme and unused Covid Loan scheme could be redirected to support…

17 January 2021

Mishandling of school return threatens the entire process – again

Schools getting email at 8pm on a Friday evening no way to do business. Safety concerns and childcare needs for SNAs and teachers must be addressed. Labour Education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has criticised the approach of the Minister and her Department of sending out emails at 8pm on a Friday evening, that in effect…

16 January 2021

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