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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Student Nurses and Midwives must be paid as healthcare assistants as Covid cases rise

€100 a week grant for students not good enough and pay must be backdated to September. Students should be paid again at healthcare assistant rate to reflect higher risk in health service as proposed in Labour Party Bill. Minister should meet with union representatives today and do the right thing. With acute hospitals under severe…

Senator Annie Hoey image
05 January 2021

Confirmation needed that School Meals will continue during lockdown

With schools unlikely to reopen Minister must confirm meals will be available. Weekly food parcels and vouchers were provided in first lockdown. A bonus child benefit payment in January should also be considered to help parents meet extra costs. With schools unlikely to reopen next week, Labour Senator Rebecca Moynihan has called on the Minister…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
04 January 2021

Housing Minister needs to be clear on status of Co-living Applications

Labour Housing Spokesperson, Senator Rebecca Moynihan has said that the Housing Minister to clarify the status of co-living applications submitted after his ban was announced.  Senator Moynihan was speaking after a number of applications have been made to An Bord Pleanála after the ban was announced and the Minister issued a circular to planning authorities…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
04 January 2021

Plan for continued teaching for some cohorts needed if schools remain closed

If schools are to remain closed after January 11th, there must be some middle ground solution between full closure and all attending, said Labour Education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, calling for teaching solutions to be put in place for certain categories of students as has been done in other countries, but reiterated the Labour Party…

04 January 2021

Certainty needed for parents and childcare operators on who should access services

Current crisis demonstrates need for a publicly funded system of childcare and early childhood education. Labour spokesperson on Children, Senator Ivana Bacik has called for the government and Minister O Gorman to give parents and childcare operators certainty on plans for re-opening, and on the definition of essential workers. She has also backed the call…

Ivana Bacik TD
04 January 2021

Transparency needed from Government on School Reopenings, Vaccinations and Case Numbers

NPHET should carry out risk assessment of school reopenings. More information and daily updates on vaccinations required. Full explanation needed for delays in reporting Covid-19 cases. Nearly two weeks on since the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was cleared for use in Ireland, Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly TD has repeated his call for transparency and daily updates…

03 January 2021

NPHET risk assessment needed before reopening of schools

Preference is to reopen schools but only if safe to do so. Government should agree to abide by NPHET advice on reopening schools. Labour Education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called for NPHET to carry out a public health risk assessment on the reopening schools from 11th January and for government to agree to abide…

02 January 2021

Statement on death of George Nkencho

Labour Party Justice spokesperson Brendan Howlin TD said:“The loss of a life is always a tragedy, and I express the condolences of the Labour Party to the family of Mr George Nkencho who was fatally shot by Gardaí on Wednesday. I am also mindful of those injured during the events leading up to that, and…

Labour Admin

31 December 2020

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