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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Has there been a slipping of ambition when it comes to ending Direct Provision?

Reacting to news reports that Minister for Children, Disability, Equality and Integration Roderic O’Gorman TD has told NGOS that a government White Paper on ending Direct Provision, which was due for publication in December, will now not be published until February 2021, Labour Seanad group leader and Spokesperson for Children Disability, Equality and Integration, Senator…

Ivana Bacik TD
16 December 2020

Questions remain on vaccination plan

Labour Party Leader and Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has said that additional questions remain unanswered following the publication of the Covid-19 Vaccination Implementation Plan. Deputy Kelly said: “We all know that the Covid-19 Vaccine implementation plan is a living document with many moving parts but we need clear answers on the administration of the…

15 December 2020

Labour bill would save people money by tackling the loyalty penalty and poor customer service

Proposed law would outlaw practise of existing customers being charged higher rates for subscription services like insurance, utilities and telecommunications. Obliges companies like Eir to handle customer complaints according to a regulated standard. Would ensure lower prices and better customer service. A new bill published by Labour Party TDs Ged Nash, Duncan Smith and Aodhán…

Labour Trade Unionists
15 December 2020

Labour to launch Consumer Protection Bill to tackle dual pricing and customer complaints – Tuesday 11.30am

This morning at 11.30am on the Leinster House plinth Labour Party TDs will launch a new Consumer Protection Bill to tackle the dual pricing loyalty penalty for subscription services, and provide a general obligation on service providers to set up a system to handle customer complaints. What: Doorstep with Ged Nash, Duncan Smith and Aodhán…

Labour Trade Unionists
14 December 2020

Cost rental scheme welcome but the devil will be in the detail

Labour Housing Spokesperson, Senator Rebecca Moynihan has welcomed an announcement by Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien of a cost rental scheme of 350 homes by the end of 2021.  Senator Moynihan was speaking after Minister O’Brien issued a ‘Call for Proposals’ for his Department’s new Cost Rental Equity Loan(CREL) scheme. The fund will support Approved Housing…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
14 December 2020

Discrimination against loyal customers with differential pricing must end

Labour to publish Consumer Protection bill to end the perverse ‘loyalty penalty’ Central Bank interim report shows urgent need for action. With an interim Central Bank report showing that more loyal customers are punished with higher insurance premiums, Labour Finance spokesperson Ged Nash said there was an urgent need for action, and that tomorrow the…

14 December 2020

Viatris job losses a huge blow but future options for site must be examined

Taskforce needed to find alternative users for the Baldoyle facility. Workers must receive all available supports as manufacturing is wound down over two years. Labour Enterprise spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has said the news just before Christmas of the loss of over 400 jobs in his constituency over the next two year is a huge…

11 December 2020

Fall in Ireland’s home ownership rate means stronger protections are needed for renters

REITs who are buying up large volumes of new developments are putting home ownership out of reach of ordinary people  Failure on social housing and affordable rental is exasperating the problem  Need European style protections for renters   The Fall in Ireland’s home ownership rate to 69% and the revelation that Ireland now has the highest…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
11 December 2020

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