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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Answers needed on failing tracing system

Government needs to address why the tracing system has not been properly resourced Answers are needed on the failing tracing system according to Labour Leader Alan Kelly who was speaking at Leaders Questions after it was revealed in the Irish Times that thousands of close contacts of positive Covid-19 cases from over a three day…

21 October 2020

Need for a clear public information campaign on social bubbling

Rules need to emphasise the exclusivity of the bubble  There is a need for a clear public information campaign on social bubbling according to Labour Senator, Rebecca Moynihan who was speaking after the Government updated the advice on social bubbles to allow any two people living alone to form a social bubble. Senator Moynihan said:…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
21 October 2020

Sea Going Service Commitment, while welcome will not address retention crisis in the Naval Service

Minister needs to increase Patrol Duty Allowance Proposed payment discriminates against young sailors   Labour Defence Spokesperson, Senator Mark Wall says the announcement by the Minister for Defence Simon Coveney of a proposed “Sea Going Service Commitment” while a step in the right direction, will not address the retention crisis in the naval service  …

Senator Mark Wall
20 October 2020

Mortgage and loan payment break essential for laid-off workers and struggling business owners

Long term strategy needed for payment breaks in any future lockdowns Borrowers should not have credit rating damaged by six week lockdown With thousands of workers due to be laid off from Wednesday night, Labour Finance spokesperson Ged Nash has called on the government to act urgently and ensure the banks provide for formal mortgage…

20 October 2020

Eviction ban should be extended until March

Labour Housing Spokesperson, Senator Rebecca Moynihan has called for the eviction ban to be extended until at least March following the announcement that the Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien is to bring a memo to Cabinet to ban evictions for the six-week period of Level 5 restrictions. Senator Moynihan said: “We don’t know what the trajectory…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
20 October 2020

Doorstep with Alan Kelly 11.45am LH Portico

Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly will be available to speak to the media at 11.45am at the Portico at LH2000 in response to the government announcement on Level 5 along with Sen. Rebecca Moynihan our housing spokesperson. What: Labour doorstep with Alan Kelly and Rebecca Moynihan. Where: Leinster House portico, LH2000 When: 11.45am, Tuesday 20th…

Labour Trade Unionists
20 October 2020

Strategy with clear targets for reopening must give people hope for Christmas over next six weeks

Government finally sees sense on restoration of supports for workers and families. Measurable targets for reopening of country needed so we can build hope for Christmas. Clear guidance on Labour’s proposal for social support bubbles essential. Nationalising private hospital capacity must be considered. Responding to the move to Level 5 tonight, Labour Party Leader Alan…

19 October 2020

Education Minister should be attending Covid Cabinet Committee

Priority must be to keep schools open and Education should be at the Covid Cabinet Committee. Daily engagement needed with Education stakeholders. With Level 4 plus restrictions due to be announced, Labour Education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has said the membership of the Covid-19 Cabinet Committee should be expanded to include the Education Minister, and…

19 October 2020

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