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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Roadmap for living with Covid needs to be elderly proofed

The roadmap for living with Covid due to be published on Tuesday needs to be elderly proofed according to Labour Leader Alan Kelly. Deputy Kelly said: “We need to look after our elderly as we head into six months of winter, a very difficult time and we need to ensure that they can live their…

10 September 2020

Duplicity of Boris Johnson exposed by UK decision to introduce legislation overriding part of the Withdrawal Agreement

The UK Government’s decision to introduce legislation overriding parts of the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement has exposed the duplicity of Boris Johnson according to Labour Brexit Spokesperson Brendan Howlin. Deputy Howlin was speaking after it was announced in the House of Commons that the UK Government is to fast track the introduction of its new post-Brexit…

Labour Admin

10 September 2020

Decision to stop meat factory testing beggars belief

Urgent explanation needed from government Extra capacity needed to be put in place ASAP Neither Minister for Agriculture or Health flagged this today Labour Agriculture spokesperson Seán Sherlock has said the government need to give an urgent explanation on why testing at meat factories has been stopped, and that extra capacity should be put in…

Seán Sherlock TD
09 September 2020

Student nurses at breaking point – they need to be paid for placement

Labour Spokesperson on Further & Higher Education, Senator Annie Hoey, has written to Minister Harris and Minister Donnelly to request that student nurses are paid for their supernumerary placements. Senator Hoey said: “I have been contacted by student nurses who have expressed dismay that they have been instructed that they cannot take on part time…

Senator Annie Hoey image
09 September 2020

Central Bank probe into Insurance Industry must be speeded up

Initial findings of Central Bank investigation into insurance industry deeply troubling. Central Bank must clarify if all insurance firms are fully cooperating with their investigation. Central Bank finding that insurance companies are not putting their customers first points to deep cultural problems in the industry. Labour Party spokesperson on Finance Ged Nash TD has said…

09 September 2020

New approach needed for air travel – current system unsustainable

▪️Need to balance public health advice with NPHET’s assertion that we will have to live with the virus ▪️Will lead to thousands of job losses Speaking after the news that Ryanair are considering closing their bases in Cork and Shannon for the Winter, Labour Spokesperson on Transport, Duncan Smith T.D has requested NPHET examine new…

09 September 2020

Plan needed to tackle class sizes in primary schools

With the OECD ‘Education at a glance’ report highlighting the importance of smaller class sizes for social distancing, Labour Education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin said the government must deliver a plan to reduce the number of pupils in primary school classrooms and increase the overall level of investment in our education system. Deputy Ó Ríordáin…

09 September 2020

Residents and staff at Sisters of Charity Facilities deserve fair treatment

Speaking today in response to the news that frontline healthcare workers are being denied fair redundancies at three care facilities run by the Sisters of Charity in Dublin, Senator Ivana Bacik called on the HSE and Sisters of Charity to ensure an equitable resolution for the staff employed at the facilities.    Senator Bacik said: …

Ivana Bacik TD
09 September 2020

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