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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Labour urges workers to know their rights coming up to Christmas

Join a union to ensure your rights are protected Employers must reflect on wages paid Sub-minimum rates of pay need to go Labour workers’ rights spokesperson Marie Sherlock has urged all workers and particularly young workers to know their rights and join a union in the run up to the busy Christmas period. Senator Sherlock…

08 December 2023

We need action on traffic congestion on the country’s main roads

Call for emergency vehicles to be on standby during rush hour Senator Mark Wall, speaking in the Seanad today, addressed the critical need for an emergency vehicle to be on standby during rush hour along the primary arteries into Dublin. Specifically, he highlighted the chronic congestion on the N7 road, which resembles a car park…

Senator Mark Wall
07 December 2023

Damning IFAC budget report shows Fianna Fáil’s old tricks are back

Price of tax cuts and poorly targeted giveaways will be paid by less well off as inflation will remain high for longer Labour’s finance spokesperson Ged Nash has described the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council’s post-budget analysis as the body’s most damning to date. He said the report is so scathing it demands a detailed and…

07 December 2023

Government has created housing affordability crisis for first time buyers

Building costs soar since Fianna Fáil took over housing Single people locked out of housing market Labour leader and housing spokesperson Ivana Bacik said this Government is abjectly failing people desperately trying to get a foot on the housing ladder. Deputy Bacik said: “Home ownership is but a pipe dream for a vast number of…

Ivana Bacik TD
07 December 2023

€28 million spent on schools prefabs in 2022

Nearly 500 schools relying on prefabs Same expenditure anticipated in 2023 Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has urged the Minister for Education tackle unsuitable learning environments like prefabs. In response to parliamentary questions put down by the Labour Party, the Minister revealed that nearly 500 schools are still relying on prefabs. Deputy Ó Ríordáin…

07 December 2023

Justice Minister telling mistruths on policing

Labour justice spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin said there are now serious concerns over the Justice Minister and Fine Gael’s bona fides in tackling policing issues. Responses to parliamentary questions put down by the Labour Party indicated that the Minister had no remit to fast track new recruits of trainee Garda in Templemore, yet a Fine…

06 December 2023

Sub-minimum wage rates must be abolished

The Labour Youth Executive have expressed deep concern with the recent publication of the Low Pay Commission report on recommendations for the National Minimum Wage. Labour Youth have long campaigned for sub-minimum rates of pay to be abolished in Ireland. The current sub-minimum pay rates result in workers between 15-19 being paid up to 70% …

Labour Youth
06 December 2023

Women’s victory must drive support for football – let’s keep them under pressure

Heralding the great victory of the Republic of Ireland’s women soccer team last night, Labour’s sports spokesperson Mark Wall has called on Government to invest and support women’s football. Senator Wall said: “The Girls in Green were absolutely on fire last night and it’s fantastic to see so many people tuning in to watch the…

Senator Mark Wall
06 December 2023

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