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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Retail workers and business are crying out for coordinated garda engagement, greater visible policing presence in communities and changes to law to protect workers.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Enterprise, Trade and Employment hearings today met with retail business and representatives of RGDATA, Musgraves and CSNA. Labour’s Worker’s Rights spokesperson Senator Marie Sherlock said today it is critical that An Garda Síochána and the Government respond to the cry for help. Senator Sherlock said: “For years now, retail workers and…

13 December 2023

Residential Tenancies Board Survey Reveals Alarming Rental Cost Burden and Insecurity for Tenants

Labour Leader and housing spokesperson Deputy Ivana Bacik has expressed concern following the publication of the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) latest Rental Sector Survey for 2023, which confirmed distressing realities for renters in Ireland. Deputy Bacik said: “The findings from the RTB Survey underscore a troubling state of affairs in Ireland’s rental sector. The findings…

Ivana Bacik TD
13 December 2023

Government must wake up to scale of drug use

Labour justice spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin said big changes are needed to break down the stigma and address the trauma associated with drug use. As the Coolmine Centre service reports more people presenting with cocaine addiction, Deputy Ó Ríordáin said Government cannot continue to ignore the issues at the heart of illegal drug use. Deputy…

12 December 2023

COP cannot be held in another petrostate

Labour calls for Just Transition taskforce Labour leader Ivana Bacik has urged Government to outline a clearer pathway to phasing out the use of fossil fuels and meeting climate targets nationally. Speaking during Leaders’ Questions, Deputy Bacik said the COP summit should never again be held in a petrostate. Deputy Bacik said: “Nearing the end…

Ivana Bacik TD
12 December 2023

COP28 on Verge of Failure

Labour’s Climate Spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan, has today expressed concern following reports that the phasing out of using fossil fuels will be omitted from the COP 28 agreement. Senator Moynihan said: “The influence of petro-states at COP28 underscores the need for Ireland and the EU to demonstrate an alternative, steering towards a green-state model for…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
12 December 2023

No stone should be left unturned in making every home safe

Register necessary to ensure that residents of all eligible apartments are made aware of the scheme Welcoming news that the Minister for Housing has opened the interim fire safety measures scheme for defective apartments, Labour Leader and Housing Spokesperson Ivana Bacik TD has called for a more robust Government response to ensure that all homes…

Ivana Bacik TD
11 December 2023

Task Force Needed to Protect Poorest Communities from Climate Crisis

Labour’s climate spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan has today called on Government to establish a taskforce to investigate how the climate crisis will impact the poorest in society. Senator Moynihan said: “The recent report released by the Codema has sounded a stark alarm bell on the impending and disproportionate impact of the climate crisis on our…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
08 December 2023

RSV Vaccine must be fast-tracked

Labour’s health spokesperson Deputy Duncan Smith, has called on the HSE to fast track the RSV vaccine for next winter, this comes amid record levels of a common respiratory illness that particularly affects babies is putting children’s hospitals under unprecedented pressure. Deputy Smith said: “In response to the alarming surge of respiratory virus cases inundating…

08 December 2023

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