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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Has Gov Home Loan Scheme run out of cash?

Labour Housing Spokesperson Jan O’Sullivan TD, has called on Minister Murphy to clarify immediately if there has been a directive issued to Local Authorities telling them to stop considering applications for the ‘Rebuilding Ireland Home Loan Scheme’ due to funds for the scheme running out. Deputy O’Sullivan said “I am calling on the Minister for…

Labour Admin

04 March 2019

Electrification of commuter lines essential for future of rail

Labour Transport Spokesperson Senator Kevin Humphreys has welcomed the tendering for the additional fleet in Irish Rail to address serious overcrowding. He has also called for the electrification of busy commuter routes such as the Maynooth and Drogheda lines.   Senator Humphreys said; “I welcome the news today the NTA has issued a tender for pre-owned…

Labour Admin

04 March 2019

Nunan secures nomination for Ireland South Constituency

Today, in Cork City, Sheila Nunan was selected as the Labour Party candidate to stand in the forthcoming European Parliament elections due to take place in May 2019. Sheila has been a trade union activist throughout her career. In 2010 she was elected as INTO General Secretary, the first woman to hold the post, which…

Labour Admin

03 March 2019

EU Legal Assurances on Backstop are Ireland’s Moment of Peril

Speaking in advance of the selection convention for Labour’s European Parliament candidate for Ireland South, in Cork on Sunday, and reacting to the news that the EU is ready to give the UK more legal guarantees on the Irish backstop, Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin TD called on the Government to hold firm. Deputy Howlin…

Labour Admin

02 March 2019

Fishing grounds must be protected from unregulated access

Reacting to the controversy over the detainment of two Northern Ireland fishing vessels, Labour Senator from Louth, Ged Nash has said that the roots of this lie in the unregulated access, and resulting damage to mussel beds in Irish waters, and fallout from the decision of the UK to leave the EU. Senator Nash explained:…

01 March 2019

Clarity needed from Government on Scouting Ireland

Speaking in response to the remarks of Minister Katherine Zappone and Tánaiste Simon Coveney in relation to Scouting Ireland, leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin TD, says that the Government need to provide clarity on a matter that is of concern to thousands of parents. Deputy Howlin said: “I asked the Government a simple…

Labour Admin

28 February 2019

Cycling Commissioner needed for Cork

Labour Cork City local election candidate Peter Horgan has called for the establishment of a cycling commissioner in Cork city and County that would have a statutory footing to push forward alternative transport options, investment and communications for Cork city and county. Mr Horgan said: “London has such an office which sits between the City…

28 February 2019

National Programme needed to improve school attendance

Labour Party Education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has called on the Department for Education to roll out a national initiative to improve school attendance. This follows a successful pilot to improve school attendance by Túsla – CYPSC City North initiative through out the month of February. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “This morning I attended the…

28 February 2019

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