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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Workers should be given time off for vaccination

Labour enterprise spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called on businesses to provide paid time off for workers to get vaccinated. As well as an opportunity to encourage vaccine uptake, Deputy Ó Ríordáin said it is a practical measure to take to ensure everyone is protected against Covid as soon as possible. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said:…

18 May 2021

Sherlock calls for Driver Theory Test reclassifications

Minister must do better for Theory Test applicants and move online. Labour Spokesperson on Rural and Community Affairs Seán Sherlock TD has called on Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan to do better for the thousands of applicants awaiting a driver theory test appointment. Said Deputy Sherlock: “3,200 people will have their test done online this…

Seán Sherlock TD
18 May 2021

Labour doorstep 12pm – LH Plinth

Labour Party housing spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihanand Finance spokesperson Ged Nash TD will be available to speak to media on the plinth at 12pm today Tuesday 18th May on housing proposals at Cabinet and issues of the day What: Doorstep with Labour reps. Where: Leinster House plinth, Kildare St. When: 12pm, Tuesday 18th May For…

Speech by Ivana Bacik at Dublin Bay South selection convention

Check Against Delivery – Embargoed to 8.30pm Comrades and Friends It is an honour to have been selected as your candidate – our candidate – to contest the forthcoming bye-election here in Dublin Bay South. First I would like to thank Kevin Humphreys and Chloe Manahan for proposing and seconding me and for their kind…

Ivana Bacik TD
17 May 2021

Dublin Bay South Selection Convention 8pm Live Stream

The Labour Party selection convention for the Dublin Bay South by-election will take place at 8pm tonight and a livestream will be available on the Labour Party Facebook Page. Senator Ivana Bacik will be formally selected as the Labour Party candidate. Watch from 8pm: It will be chaired by Duncan Smith TD and our…

Vacant Home Tax tool in the armoury to tackle housing crisis

Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan has urged the Government to consider a Vacant Home Tax to bring empty housing stock into use for those who need it. People are rightly outraged at the degree to which the Government is prioritising investors over hard working ordinary people in the midst of a housing crisis. Senator Moynihan…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
17 May 2021

The social contract should be a given in Ireland, but it is not

Speech by Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly TD at the Annual James Connolly Commemoration where he addressed the housing crisis, the impact of Covid-19 on young people and the need for a new social contract. “This week marks 105 years since the founder of the Labour Party, James Connolly, was executed by firing squad by…

16 May 2021

Minister can ringfence homes for first time buyers immediately

Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan said the Minister for Housing can resolve issue of investment funds devouring opportunities for first time home owners immediately through issuing guidelines to local authorities. Last week, the Labour Party offered the Minister an opportunity to put his money where his mouth is by reintroducing his bill to ringfence 30%…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
15 May 2021

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