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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Exclusion Zones needed to ensure safe access to abortion

Labour Senator Ivana Bacik has called for swift action by the Minister for Health to tackle the issue of Exclusion Zones to protect vulnerable women who seek access to legal abortion services. Senator Bacik said; ”Exclusion Zones were not included in the legislation for abortion passed in December and many of us raised this issue…

Ivana Bacik TD
08 January 2019

Government can’t continue to ignore period poverty

Labour Party candidate for Dublin South Central, Rebecca Moynihan, has said period poverty is a very real issue for Irish women that needs to be tackled. Councillor Moynihan said: “We know that period poverty is a real issue for many women and girls living in Ireland. In a survey conducted last year by Plan International,…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
07 January 2019

New Year, same old pressures in our health service

Reacting to news that 541 people are on trolleys today, Labour Party Health spokesperson Alan Kelly TD, has said that high trolley numbers are a symptom of the Government and HSE being ill-prepared for predictable winter illnesses. Deputy Kelly said:  “The annual winter crisis in our hospitals is well underway with 541 on trolleys today,…

07 January 2019

Former Mayor of Waterford Jack Walsh will be sadly missed

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin TD has expressed his sadness on the death of former Mayor of Waterford and local representative Jack Walsh following a very short illness, and expressed his condolences to his family, friends and former constituents. Deputy Howlin said: “I was deeply saddened to hear of the death of my colleague, former…

Labour Admin

07 January 2019

Scandalous Gender Pay Gap must be tackled in 2019

Speaking on Nollaig na mBan, Labour spokesperson on Equality, Deirdre Kingston has urged the Government to finally do more to tackle the scandalous gender pay gap of 14% in 2019 as another year passes without legislative action. Cllr Kingston said: “On Nollaig na mBan, as we celebrate the enormous contribution by women to every sphere…

Labour Admin

06 January 2019

Lack of affordable housing destroying communities in Dublin

Average Dublin price of €436,787 totally out of reach Land speculation adding to prices Average national price above Gov’s own affordability threshold Labour representative for Dublin South Central, Cllr Rebecca Moynihan has slammed the Government for the lack of affordable housing in Dublin where the average new sale price is over €430,000, and called for…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
05 January 2019

Minister Bruton Should Support Opposition Party’s Legislation on Climate Action.

Labour Spokesperson for Climate Action Sean Sherlock TD, has called on Minister Bruton to take greater action on Climate Change and support opposition party’s legislation already before the Dail.  Deputy Sherlock Said:  “I welcome the decision from Minister Bruton to reduce single-use plastics within government departments, however, it seems a meager response to the enormity of…

Seán Sherlock TD
04 January 2019

Revenue Surplus Should Be Used To Deliver First Class Public Services

Labour Finance Spokesperson, Joan Burton TD, has welcomed the Exchequer surplus but has said this Government is squandering the hard-won recovery by failing to invest in essential public services. Deputy Burton said:  “The Exchequer surplus of nearly €100 million is good news, but it stands in stark contrast to the ongoing crisis in housing and…

Labour Admin

03 January 2019

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