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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Labour says Ireland needs a pay rise

Mini-Budget for 2022 would be real sign Government is serious on cost-of-living crisis Labour Party Spokesperson on Finance, Ged Nash has today (Tuesday, 8th February) demanded that the government takes a lead on wages and instructs the Low Pay Commission to fast-track a living wage for all workers. In remarks to the Taoiseach, Deputy Nash…

08 February 2022

Retrofitting scheme cannot be used as an excuse for eviction

Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan has demanded government put in place a no eviction order for any home in receipt of the retrofitting grant. Speaking today, Senator Moynihan said this scheme must also be targeted to support those who are feeling the increased cost of hearing their homes most. Senator Moynihan said: “We welcome in…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
08 February 2022

Govt must establish the Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs before the summer

Labour TD for Dublin Bay North Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has demanded that government commit to a Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs before the summer. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “Today a Citizens’ Assembly memo goes to cabinet without a single mention of drugs. This is a huge oversight on the part of the government and it does…

08 February 2022

Silence from Minister for Health on trolley crisis unacceptable

Labour’s health spokesperson Duncan Smith said the Minister for Health can no longer ignore the trolley crisis which is rampant throughout the hospital system. Deputy Smith said: “I’m deeply concerned at the consistent rise in people waiting on trolleys since January of this year, reaching a record 603 people on trolleys today. The government is…

08 February 2022

Government must act on Labour Plan to cut the Cost of Living

Action not words needed to fix cost of living crisis 10 days after voting down Labour’s plan to tackle the cost of living in the Dáil, Labour’s Finance Spokesperson, Ged Nash said the government must take real action now act with a VAT cut on energy and fuel, along with increases to wages and social welfare…

05 February 2022

Labour LGBT Statement regarding the death of Eoin Collins

Labour LGBT, the Irish Labour Party Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Trans group are paying tribute to Eoin Collins who died on Tuesday 1st February 2022. Speaking about Eoin Collins, Labour LGBT Co Chairs James Joy and Catherine Arnold said “Eoin Collins was an enormous influence in changing Irelands’ laws on LGBT Equality and how Ireland…

04 February 2022

Labour will legislate to defend pandemic flexible working gains

The Labour Party has today confirmed it will legislate to defend the gains made by people who worked remotely and experienced the benefits of flexible working arrangements throughout the pandemic. The legislation, drafted by Labour Party spokesperson on Workers’ Rights, Senator Marie Sherlock, will place a real obligation on employers to provide evidence-based answers why…

04 February 2022

Reckless DUP resignation won’t resolve protocol or social issues in Northern Ireland

Responding to the resignation of the DUP First Minister, Labour Party Leader and spokesperson on Northern Ireland, Alan Kelly TD said it was a reckless political move that won’t help resolve issues with the protocol or deliver solutions to the problems impacting on the lives of people in the North. Deputy Kelly said: “The decision…

03 February 2022

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