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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Miscarriage leave desperately needed for women

Labour workers’ rights spokesperson Marie Sherlock said the failure of Budget 2024 to provide early miscarriage leave means women remain disadvantaged in the workplace. Senator Sherlock said: “In March 2021, Labour introduced a Bill to provide up to 20 days paid time off work for women who experience an early miscarriage, and up to 10…

12 October 2023

Budget 2024 does nothing for the future for students

Labour spokesperson on Higher Education, Senator Annie Hoey has said that Budget 2024 provides a repeat of last year’s one-off measures while doing nothing for the long-term future of students in Ireland. Senator Hoey said: “Government are patting themselves on the back for a once-off reduction in student fees while providing no certainty for the…

Senator Annie Hoey image
11 October 2023

Government’s failure to support vital community workers must end now

Government’s lack of engagement with Section 39, Section 56 and Section 10 workers community workers is a dereliction of duty Workers deserve pay parity with their public sector colleagues Governments needs to save our services and intervene ahead of strike action Labour spokesperson on Health Duncan Smith TD hosted an event in the Oireachtas today…

11 October 2023

Government must abolish the sub-minimum wage

We need equal pay for equal work Labour Youth have been calling on Government to protect young workers in Ireland and abolish sub-minimum rates of pay in Ireland.The National Executive of Labour Youth said that budget 2024 is a wasted opportunity. The National Executive said: “Young people have been omitted from Budget 2024. Government failed…

Labour Youth
11 October 2023

Sherlock takes Government to task on delay to commence Work-Life Balance Act

Government in no rush to grant right to request remote and flexible work to workers This comes over six months after Work-Life Balance Act 2023 signed into law. Labour’s Workers’ Rights spokesperson Senator Marie Sherlock has hit out at Government’s lax attitude to giving workers a right to request remote and flexible work in this…

11 October 2023

Government bribes business to pay Minimum Wage increase. Where is the ambition to improve workers’ lives on a permanent basis?

Diversion of much needed commercial rates for Local Government back to employers. Not yet clear if Government will reimburse Local Authorities. No ambition to improve workers’ lives on a permanent basis Low income workers have fared worst in the cost of living crisis Labour spokesperson on Employment Affairs Senator Marie Sherlock has today described the…

10 October 2023

Government for fails to prioritise disability services in Budget 2024

Budget 2024 fails to provide adequate disability provisions Disregard for vulnerable evident in Government’s treatment of Section 39 Workers Labour spokesperson on Health and Disability, Deputy Duncan Smith, has today called out the Government for failing to prioritise disability services in Budget 2024. Deputy Smith said: “Government’s failure to invest in disability services is a…

10 October 2023

Labour Women react to Budget 2024 childcare announcements

Reacting to today’s Budget announcements on childcare, Labour Women have expressed deep disappointment at the Government’s continued failure to invest in early years education and care. Instead spin is being used to distract from a paltry attempt to use subsidies to paper over the cracks. Last year, in September 2022, the government announced an increase…

Labour Women
10 October 2023

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