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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Defence Pay recommendations must be quickly implemented

Labour Defence spokesperson, Brendan Ryan TD has said that the Government must move quickly to implement the recommendations, due today from the Public Service Pay Commission according to an Irish Times report; and ensure that our forces are able to recruit and retain the best. He noted it was convenient that having waited months for…

Labour Admin

14 May 2019

Banks must “begin paying taxes”

As Bank of Ireland holds AGM, Dominic Hannigan calls for banks to “begin paying taxes” Irish people are losing out on hundreds of millions a year for public services because banks don’t pay tax on their profits.  That’s according to Dominic Hannigan, the Labour Party’s European election candidate for the Midlands North West constituency. As…

Labour Admin

13 May 2019

Child poverty targets needed to end the cycle

Ireland South European election candidate, Sheila Nunan, has welcomed the commitment of all government parties to develop a National strategy to tackle child poverty. Ms Nunan has committed herself to the development of progressive policies which will focus on the elimination of poverty and social exclusion at European level. Ms Nunan said, “I have a…

Labour Admin

13 May 2019

Fine Gael consistently failing renters

Following the publication of today’s report, Deputy Jan O’Sullivan has called on Minister Eoghan Murphy to introduce a rent register and bring in rent controls across Ireland.  Deputy O’Sullivan said;  “A generation is being robbed of both the hope of becoming homeowners and the opportunity to get affordable accommodation while saving for a deposit….

Labour Admin

13 May 2019

FG never believed in injecting centres

Responding to media reports that the first supervised injecting centre is unlikely to ahead, the Labour Party’s Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has slammed Fine Gael and the Independent Alliance’s lack of faith in this project. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “Comments reported in today’s Mail on Sunday, show that the Government clearly never believed in drug injecting…

12 May 2019

FG cannot be trusted with national industries or major public investment

Remarks at the Annual James Connolly Commemoration at Arbour Hill, 12th May 2019 by Brendan Howlin TD, Leader of the Labour Party. Howlin says broadband should be publicly owned; and FG is opposed to State role in economy.  We are here to remember James Connolly, and to honour all of those who founded the labour…

Labour Admin

12 May 2019

FG and FF must clarify their position on an EU Army

Responding to the recent debate between four contenders to replace Jean-Claude Juncker as President of the European Commission, the leader of Labour, Brendan Howlin TD, called on Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil European candidates to clarify their position on Ireland’s neutrality given the preference of their respective European groups for a European Army. Brendan Howlin…

Labour Admin

10 May 2019

Reminder: James Connolly Commemoration Media Doorstep Sunday 11.45am Arbour Hill

Labour Party leader, Brendan Howlin TD, will address the annual James Connolly Commemoration today at Arbour Hill in Dublin (Sunday, May 12th 2019). Deputy Howlin will be available to speak to reporters ahead of the ceremony at 11.45am. The official ceremony, including a speech from Deputy Howlin, is scheduled to begin at 12pm. Event: Doorstep…

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