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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Government failing to tackle the Housing Crisis

Galway City Labour Councillor Niall McNelis has slammed the Government for it’s failure to tackle the housing crisis in a meaningful way despite the many suggestions that have been forward. Labour is holding a public meeting on Thursday night in Glaway to discuss these solutions. Cllr McNelis said:“Despite much fanfare at the Budget, there was…

Labour Admin

16 November 2017

Labour Women & Labour Youth urge all to Register to Repeal

Labour Women and Labour Youth are today holding a Day of Action on their Register to Repeal campaign where a number of colleges and constituencies nationwide are spreading awareness on the voter registration deadline of November 25th. Speaking on the matter Chair of Labour Women Sinead Ahern commented: “Next year we will have an important…

Labour Women
16 November 2017

New Education Report is a wake-up call for the Government — Ó Ríordáin

Labour Party Education spokesperson, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has said the recently published Bertelsmann Stifung report on education across the European Union challenges the notion that our education system could be the best in Europe.  Senator Ó Ríordáin commented:  “The report lays bare the nonsense that Minister Bruton has been peddling that our education system…

16 November 2017

Speech by Brendan Ryan TD on the Housing (Homeless Families) Bill

I congratulate my colleague, Deputy Jan O’Sullivan, on bringing forward this very important Bill.  As Deputy O’Sullivan set out earlier, children have no rights to protection, safety or a roof over their heads except as dependants of their parents, even though the rights of the child have been written into the Constitution.  There is also…

Labour Admin

16 November 2017

Children’s rights should be at the heart of our response to homelessness – O’Sullivan

I wish to commend the Housing (Homeless Families) Bill to the House and thank those who have already indicated their support for the Bill. No child should have to sleep on the streets; no child should be sent to a Garda station in the middle of the night for want of a place to go;…

Labour Admin

15 November 2017

Rugby World Cup bid outcome a disappointment- Cllr Wall

Labour spokesperson on Sport, Councillor Mark Wall, has expressed his disappointment at news from London that Ireland has failed to clinch Rugby World Cup hosting duties in 2023, but praised the efforts of the Irish delegation. Cllr Wall said: “I think for any Irish sports fan it has certainly been a very disappointing 24 hours….

Senator Mark Wall
15 November 2017

Coolock Student awarded Richard O’Carroll Empowerment Bursary

The Labour Party is delighted to announce that Aaron Mills, of Coolock, Dublin is the recipient of the 2017 Richard O’Carroll Empowerment Bursary which was first awarded in 2016 as part of the Labour Party’s centenary commemoration of the 1916 Rising. Aaron Mills who completed his Leaving Certificate at the top if his class in…

15 November 2017

Doorstep at 3pm on Housing Homeless Families Bill

Labour’s Housing (Homeless Families) Bill 2017 will be debated in Private Members Time in the Dáil on Wednesday from 4.45pm. The Bill would require Local Authorities to recognise the rights of a child in a family unit when applying for accommodation or other assistance, which are currently not explicitly recognised under the Housing Acts. Jan…

Labour Trade Unionists
14 November 2017

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