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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Pressure on local services never an excuse to intimidate and make people feel unwelcome

Speaking in response to a second protest held outside the former ESB building in East Wall, Labour Senator Marie Sherlock has said that there is never an excuse for holding a protest in an intimidating and demeaning manner designed to drive people out of an area. Sherlock said: “The 380 individuals and families who will…

22 November 2022

Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael are failing fast – rental market in chaos

Responding to figures published by today, Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan said the 14% increase in rents year on year shows a housing market totally out of control. Senator Moynihan said the record 4.3% increase in three months between June and September alone is deeply concerning. As renters battle it out for a roof…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
22 November 2022

Labour condemns savage and sickening attack of two Gardaí in Ballyfermot

Labour justice spokesperson Aodhan Ó Ríordáin has today strongly condemned what he described as a savage and sickening attack on two Gardaí in Ballyfermot and said that an absolutely zero tolerance approach to assaults to workers in service of the State needs to be taken. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “The attack on two Gardai last…

21 November 2022

Bacik Calls for Radical Vision on Childcare

In advance of delivering the closing remarks at today’s Work Equal event on Childcare, held to mark Equal Pay Day, Labour leader Ivana Bacik TD has outlined the need for a radical vision by Government on childcare and early years education. Deputy Bacik said: “Over decades, the failure of successive governments to take responsibility for…

Ivana Bacik TD
21 November 2022

Gender pay gap in Ireland remains stubbornly and unacceptably high

Women workers earn almost a quarter less compared to their male counterparts. Vital the State transposes the full spirit of the EU’s adequate minimum wage directive later next year plus the EU’s pay transparency directive. Labour spokesperson on employment affairs, Marie Sherlock has today said it is unacceptable that the gender pay gap in Ireland…

20 November 2022

Twitter workers show that it can’t be all one way for employers

Labour calls for amendment to Protection of Employment legislation to increase fines to a percentage of turnover, not a token fine. Labour employment spokesperson Marie Sherlock has today (Saturday, 19th November) said the response by hundreds of Twitter employees this week to the introduction of draconian workplace changes shows that employers can’t have it all…

19 November 2022

Increase in income limits for social housing support must be introduced before Christmas

Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan welcomed the announcement of an increase in income limits for local authority housing and supports announced at the Fianna Fáil Councillors Conference today. Senator Moynihan said this increase is long overdue and must be implemented without delay, noting that this was already marked as ‘complete’ in the Housing for All…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
19 November 2022

Government’s Living Wage plan is a work of fiction

• No improvement planned next year to move NMW towards 60% of median earnings. • Government continues to drag heels defending security workers. Labour spokesperson on workers’ rights, Senator Marie Sherlock has today (Friday, 18th November) said the Government’s Living Wage plan for 2023 is a work of fiction, stressing that there is no improvement…

18 November 2022

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