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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

NPHET must include vaccination rollout in modelling

Labour Party Leader, Alan Kelly TD, has raised questions about why full vaccination rollout is not included in NPHET’s latest modelling. This comes as NPHET’s latest modelling projects that a moderate increase in close contacts between the 5th of April and the 30th of September would mean 578,000 cases and a peak of 9,500 cases…

01 April 2021

Right to Disconnect still needed in law as Code of Practice is guidance

Code of Practice doesn’t provide a legal right to disconnect, just guidance Labour Bill would enshrine legal right to switch off following best practice in other EU States Working from Home (Covid-19) Bill would address the issue of unsuitable home working spaces for employees The Code of Practice on the right to disconnect is a…

01 April 2021

Need to stem scourge of littering now

With pictures flooding social media that the good weather has led to a dramatic increase in littering, Labour Senator Mark Wall has highlighted the urgent need to progress the Labour Local Government (Use of CCTV in Prosecution of Offences) Bill 2021 and urged people to responsibly dispose of their rubbish whilst out and about. Senator…

Senator Mark Wall
31 March 2021

Government Should Consult Labour Bill When Drafting Amendments to Pay Gap Legislation

The Labour Party’s Equality Spokesperson, Senator Ivana Bacik has welcomed an announcement from the Minister for Children, Disability, Equality & Integration that he will bring forward amendments to strengthen the Government’s Gender Pay Gap Information Bill 2019 when it comes before the Dáil for Report Stage. She has called on him to adopt elements of…

Ivana Bacik TD
31 March 2021

Clarity needed on eviction ban and arbitrary 5km rule

Responding to the Government’s updated Covid response, Labour housing spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan called for urgent clarity on the eviction ban currently in place to protect renters. Senator Moynihan said that once the 5km restriction is lifted, many renters who remain out of work will become at risk of eviction, highlighting the strangeness of tying…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
30 March 2021

Greater clarity still needed on vaccination programme

Responding to the announcement tonight from the Taoiseach, Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly said that with a path forward announced on the lifting of restrictions, it is vital that the government provide greater transparency about the vaccination programme. Deputy Kelly said: “While the Taoiseach has announced a timetable of measures that will relax some restrictions…

30 March 2021

No one should have to choose between their wages and their health – we need Sick Pay for All now

Marking six months since the Government’s decision to delay Labour’s sick pay proposals, Labour’s spokesperson on Employment Affairs Senator Marie Sherlock said:  “The Labour Party brought forward a bill last September for statutory paid sick leave. Unfortunately, the Government voted to delay our bill for six months and this has left a continuing fundamental weakness…

30 March 2021

Beefed-Up Financial Ombudsman Needed to Stop the Rot Within Financial Services Sector

Financial Services & Pensions Ombudsman (FSPO) crucial to promoting much-needed accountability and trust in the Irish financial sector FSPO should be well-resourced and have sharp teeth to tackling financial malpractice, especially in wake of Covid-19 challenges Labour finance spokesperson Ged Nash has welcomed today’s report from the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman (FSPO) and their…

30 March 2021

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