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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

EU must be accountable on vaccine failures

Contribution by Brendan Howlin TD during Dáil statements on the European Council meeting summit and vaccine supply. “I have noticed the European Commission has, most unusually for that institution, been belligerent and noisy in advance of this week’s Council meeting. The reason for that is obvious. A new wave of Covid infections has erupted and…

Labour Admin

24 March 2021

U-turn on face masks welcome but unnecessary stress caused

Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has welcomed the Minister for Education’s u-turn on the wearing of masks for oral examinations. However Deputy Ó Ríordáin criticised the Department for the unnecessary stress and concern caused by the incident, calling for strict adherence to public health advice on all matters relating to education. Deputy Ó Ríordáin…

24 March 2021

Revised Climate Action Plan must be aligned with new Climate Bill

Labour Party Spokesperson on Climate Action, Duncan Smith, has cautiously welcomed the publication of a revised Climate Action Bill but said lots of work is still needed to strengthen the bill.  When the Bill eventually becomes law, the real challenge will be how the revised Climate Action Plan is aligned to targets and displays the…

24 March 2021

Labour to amend LDA Bill to include provisions for the Travelling community

In light of the Government’s disregard of the Travelling Community in the Land Development Agency (LDA) Bill, the Labour Party has put forward an amendment to compel Government to use public lands for culturally appropriate housing for members of the Travelling Community. Labour housing spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan said there is a need to include…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
24 March 2021

Need to keep the domestic tourism discovery going

One-stop shop for tourism training must be introduced Local authorities need road map to make the most of outdoor dining Government cobbled together Stay and Spend scheme needs rethink Speaking in the Seanad, Labour tourism spokesperson Senator Mark Wall called on Government to heed the calls of the domestic tourism industry to take action to…

Senator Mark Wall
24 March 2021

Labour doorstep 11.30am Tuesday 23rd March

Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly will be available on the plinth at 11.30am this morning, Tuesday 23rd March, and he will be joined by our Housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan and Climate spokesperson Duncan Smith. What: Doorstep with Alan Kelly, Rebecca Moynihan and Duncan Smith.. Where: Leinster House plinth, Kildare St. When: 11.30am, Tuesday 23rd March…

Labour Trade Unionists
22 March 2021

Review of LGBTQ parental rights should be published

Speaking in the Seanad today, Labour Senator Annie Hoey called on the Government to commit to publishing the report by Dr Conor O’Mahony on the review of LGBTQ parental rights, commissioned by the last government. The report has been with Minister O’Gorman since December 2020. Senator Hoey said: “In early 2020, under the previous Government,…

Senator Annie Hoey image
22 March 2021

Ball in HSE’s court to provide specialist therapist for School for the Deaf

Labour Senator Marie Sherlock has welcomed the commitment from Minister Rabbitte to permanently retain a specialist speech and language therapist for Cabra School for the Deaf, however has reiterated that the fight is not fully won until the HSE commit to same. Senator Sherlock said that the ball is now in the HSE’s court to…

21 March 2021

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