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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Concrete action needed to tackle racism and end Direct Provision

Legislators must act to translate the anger over racism and direct provision in Ireland into concrete action, said Labour Senator Annie Hoey, and take on board the reforms that groups have called for over many years. Senator Hoey said: “Now is time for aspirations to be transformed into laws and policy changes after the immense…

Senator Annie Hoey image
05 June 2020

Fingal Labour Group calls for online council voting in Covid-19 emergency

– COUNCILS SHOULD BE FREE TO MAKE DECISIONS ONLINE DURING CRISIS Press Statement by Cllr John Walsh on behalf of Fingal Labour Group Cllr John Walsh (on behalf of the Labour Group on Fingal County Council) called on the Minister for Housing, Eoghan Murphy TD, to prepare legislation to allow Councils throughout the country to…

Online Sales Tax should be examined

Labour Party Senator Rebecca Moynihan has called for an online sales tax to be examined. Senator Moynihan said: “We know that there has been a massive surge in online spending since Covid-19 arrived on our shores. Many companies that Irish people are buying from don’t have a bricks and mortar presence in Ireland and are…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
04 June 2020

Obsession with cutting €350 Covid-19 payment wrong

– Focus must be on retraining and supporting people back into work With hundreds of thousands of people out of work through no fault of their own, Labour TD Ged Nash said the Fine Gael obsession with cutting income supports is wrong, and government efforts should focus on supporting people back into work. Deputy Nash,…

04 June 2020

Urgent action needed to protect jobs in aviation industry

Reacting to news that Aer Lingus are seeking to implement further unilateral pay cuts to their staff, Labour TD for Dublin Fingal, Duncan Smith, has called on the Government to give assurances that the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme will be available to the aviation sector until the end of 2020. Deputy Smith said: “It is…

04 June 2020

Laobur doorstep – LH Plinth Thursday 11.15am

Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly will be available to speak to reporters on the Leinster House plinth at 11.15am tomorrow morning, Thursday 4th June in advance of Leader statements in the Dáil. What: Labour doorstep with Party Leader Alan Kelly. Where: Leinster House plinth. When: 11.15am, Thursday 4th June ENDS

Irish troops unable to return to Lebanon should not lose out financially

In the Dáil today during statements on Defence, Labour TD for Cork East Seán Sherlock raised with the Minister the need to ensure that Irish troops who had been on leave from Lebanon at the time travel restrictions were brought in should not lose out financially because they were unable to redeploy. Deputy Sherlock said:…

Seán Sherlock TD
03 June 2020

Wage Subsidy Scheme must be extended for aviation sector

Labour TD for Dublin Fingal, Duncan Smith has called on the Government to extend the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme for the aviation sector. Deputy Smith said: “I am calling on the Government to extend the temporary wage subsidy scheme for the aviation industry including vital support industries in order to stave off mass job losses…

03 June 2020

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