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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Donnelly must tackle safe staffing levels to keep nurses and midwives in Ireland

Labour spokesperson on further and higher education and Oireachtas Health Committee member Annie Hoey has urged minister Donnelly to tackle safe staffing levels to prevent a mass exodus of student nurses and midwives from our shores. Responding to a survey published by the Irish Nursing and Midwives Organisation (INMO) stating that 73% of intern nurses…

Senator Annie Hoey image
04 May 2023

Labour rep calls for appointment of additional WRC Adjudication Officers

Huge delays in hearing redundancy cases causing workers financial hardship Labour representative in Dublin South-West and employment solicitor Ciarán Ahern has urged Government to fast track the appointment of additional Adjudication Officers to the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) to deal with the huge backlog in cases. With a spate of recent redundancies in the tech…

04 May 2023

Nash demands Dáil debate on grocery price gouging

Calls on CCPC to investigate price gouging in the retail sector Intervening during the Dáil Order of Business today, Labour finance and enterprise spokesperson expressed his amazement at the cynical move by many grocery retailers to suddenly reduce the price of food following Labour’s call for an investigation into potential price gouging. Deputy Nash said:…

03 May 2023

Taoiseach accepts Labour’s demand to address apprenticeship pay

Calls for reinstatement of the Eviction Ban Responding to Labour leader and housing spokesperson during Leaders’ Questions today, An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar confirmed the need to address apprenticeship pay. Government, he said, will request more time for the Low Pay Commission to consider Labour’s proposals. Deputy Bacik said: “Finally, Government are taking on board constructive…

Ivana Bacik TD
03 May 2023

Apprenticeships key to unlocking housing crisis solutions – they must receive fair pay

Labour Party publish bill to provide minimum wage for all workers Calls for scaling up of short-term construction skills courses  The Labour Party today (Wednesday, May 4th) will introduce a bill which, if enacted, would provide the minimum wage to all apprentices. Labour workers’ rights Senator Marie Sherlock will put forward the bill during Private…

03 May 2023

Clear need to overhaul justice approach to domestic violence

Labour justice spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called for a review into Ireland’s legal system following the publication of a report by the National Women’s Council of Ireland on access to justice for victims of domestic and sexual violence. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said urgent changes are needed within the legal framework to support those who…

03 May 2023

Labour calls for monthly reporting on road traffic collisions

Labour transport spokesperson Duncan Smith said it is ridiculous that data on road traffic collisions is not published on a monthly basis. With a 13% increase in road deaths recorded last year, Deputy Smith said data is needed to inform transport policy and protect drivers against potential accident blackspots on our roads. Deputy Smith said:…

03 May 2023

There is no acceptable level of patients on trolleys

Hospitals are unsafe for workers, patients and visitors Labour health spokesperson Duncan Smith said the Government can no longer sit on their laurels when it comes to the trolley crisis. With 704 patients waiting for beds in Irish hospitals over the May Bank Holiday weekend, Deputy Smith said it is unclear as to why Minister…

02 May 2023

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