Zero Hours announcement a Labour win

Labour Youth has today welcomed the announcement that zero hour contracts are to be outlawed. Labour Youth National Chairperson Kevin Donoghue commented: “The issue of zero hour contracts is something that Labour Youth has been campaigning on for many years along with Senator Ged Nash, and we’re happy to see that Fine Gael has caught…

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Nash calls on Government to publish ‘if & when’ contracts legislation now

Labour Party spokesperson on Employment Senator Ged Nash who initiated the process to ban zero hour contracts and better regulate the area of precarious work has called on the government to publish the proposed legislation in full now. Senator Nash said: “These proposals have been on the blocks for two years. I welcome the fact…

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Budget must focus on people not tax cuts

Labour Leader Brendan Howlin TD has reiterated his call at Leader’s Questions for the Budget to be refocused on public services rather than paltry tax cuts. Deputy Howlin said: “At Leaders Questions today I called on the Taoiseach to stop the phoney war with Fianna Fail over tax cuts that will simply benefit the better…

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O’Sullivan welcomes ICTU intervention on Housing

Labour spokesperson on Housing, Jan O’Sullivan TD has welcomed the publication today by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions of their proposals to tackle the housing emergency, and backed their call for an urgent expansion in the local authority house building programme. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “There is an urgent need for the Government now to…

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Clarity needed on rogue agencies regulations

Labour Party Leader, Brendan Howlin TD has called on the Government to progress legislation on regulating rogue crisis pregnancy agencies. Deputy Howlin commented: “Earlier today the Taoiseach was unable to provide any clarity as to when regulations will be introduced on rogue crisis pregnancy agencies. The Taoiseach said it is of grave concern to him…

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Still no clarity when life saving drugs will become available for patients

Labour Health Spokesperson Alan Kelly has called for clarification from the Minister for Health and the HSE about the sustainable funding arrangements that have been put in place for nine new drugs, and when those drugs will become available to patients. Two months there is still no further information from the HSE. Deputy Kelly said:…

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Actions of Aung San Suu Kyi Deplorable

Labour Party Councillor for Rathgar-Rathmines, Cllr Mary Freehill has criticised Aung San Suu Kyi’s handling of the Rohinga crisis as ‘deplorable’ and called on her to allow UN investigators into Rakhine State. Ms Suu Kyi was first awarded the Freedom of Dublin in 2000 when Cllr Freehill was Lord Mayor of Dublin. Ms Suu Kyi…

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FF must make their mind up over Budget

Labour spokesperson on Social Protection Sen. Ged Nash has called on Fianna Fáil to clarify where they stand on Budget 2018 following confusion over whether their Party Leader wants to see health and housing prioritised, as Labour has called for, or else tax cuts to the Universal Social Charge. Senator Nash said: “Following Deputy Martin’s…

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Mental Health funding must not be forgotten in Budget- Lynch

Labour spokesperson on Mental Health, Kathleen Lynch, has said that mental health mustn’t be forgotten in next month’s budget, with significant issues remaining in the mental health service. Ms. Lynch was speaking as she attended the Parliamentary Forum on Mental Health at Dublin Castle today. Ms. Lynch said: “Any efforts to shine a light on…

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Brexit must be Government’s No 1 Agriculture Priority

Speaking at the National Ploughing Championships in Screggan Co. Offaly, Labour spokesperson on Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Willie Penrose TD has said that the Government’s No. 1 priority for agriculture must be tackling the risks and challenges posed by Brexit. Deputy Penrose said there must be a focus on protecting trade, and ensuring the CAP…

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Answers needed over ambulance dispatch

Labour Councillor for Swords Duncan Smith and Cork City Local Area Representative Peter Horgan have called for an investigation into reports a Swords based ambulance was dispatched to an emergency in Cork City last year. Figures released to the Irish Examiner under the Freedom of Information Act show more than a third of all vehicles…

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Howlin welcomes Halawa acquittal

Labour Party leader and spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Brendan Howlin TD, has welcomed news of the acquittal of Ibrahim Halawa and his sisters in an Egyptian court. Mr. Halawa has been in prison in Cairo for the past four years after being arrested during protests over the ousting of former president Mohammed Morsi in 2013….

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Haul of €80 million shows wealth that is hidden offshore

Labour spokesperson on Finance Joan Burton has said that tax avoidance overseas by Ireland’s wealthy is well and truly alive following revelations that €79 million has been raised from a tax amnesty in May. The figures were revealed from over 2,700 disclosures following Dáil Questions tabled by Deputy Burton. Deputy Burton said: “The revelation that…

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Howlin urges progressive leaders to focus on tackling inequality

Speaking at the Global Progress Summit 2017, Brendan Howlin today urged progressive leaders to focus on increasing employment, growing wages and tax justice as mechanisms to combat growing inequality in society. Deputy Howlin said: “Instead of always looking at unemployment levels which ignore the fact that many women and people with disabilities are outside the…

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NAMA can play significant role in addressing Dublin housing crisis

Labour spokeperson on Urban Regeneration Joe Costello has said that NAMA can play a significant role in addressing the Dublin housing crisis. Mr Costello said: “The Labour Party welcomes the Government’s conversion to the idea of involving NAMA in the provision of social and affordable housing.  The Labour Party Housing Spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan, has already…

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Report shows pace of Garda reform too slow

Labour spokesperson on Justice, Seán Sherlock TD, has said the third report by the Policing Authority reinforces the urgent need for speedy reform in An Garda Síochána. The report raised a number of issues, including that only nine of 50 Garda Inspectorate recommendations Gardaí had claimed had been implemented, were actually in place. Deputy Sherlock…

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NAMA proposal must have real teeth

Labour Party spokesperson on Housing, Jan O’Sullivan TD has said that the Government’s proposal to repurpose NAMA which she put forward in Summer 2016 must be transformational, with real teeth to deliver, and not just another funding vehicle for developers. Following sustained market failure to deliver new builds, the State must now take a leading…

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Minister Bruton out of touch on pay equalisation-Ó Ríordáin

Labour Party Education spokesperson Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has hit out at comments made by Minister for Education, Richard Bruton on pay equalisation for younger teachers. Senator Ó Ríordáin commented: “The comments made by the Minister for Education at the Fine Gael Think-In yesterday on equal pay for teachers show how out of touch he…

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Moynihan urges all to enjoy Culture Night

Labour Party spokesperson on Community Arts, Cllr Rebecca Moynihan is encouraging people to step out on Culture Night and enjoy the wealth of culture on offer in towns and cities around the country on Friday the 22nd of September. Cllr Moynihan stated: “Since its inception as the Temple Bar Culture Night in 2006, this event…

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Standing Commission on Taxation now needed after Coffey Report

Following the publication of the Coffey report, Labour spokesperson on Finance Joan Burton has said it showed once again the need to establish a Standing Commission on Taxation tasked with continually monitoring our laws, regulations and enforcement of tax matters. Deputy Burton said: “While I welcome the publication of the Coffey Report on Corporation Tax…

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Proposal to restore Bedsits regressive and wrong

Labour spokesperson on Urban Regeneration Joe Costello has said that Government proposals to restore bedsits are regresive and wrong. Mr Costello said: “The new proposals from the Minister for Housing, Eoghan Murphy, to restore the bedsit as a unit of accommodation is regressive and wrong.  The bedsit is not a healthy option for accommodation and…

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Statement on resignation of Garda Commissioner

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin TD reacting to the resignation of the Garda Commissioner has said: “I welcome the decision of the Garda Commissioner to stand down from her position. “While I recognise the decades of service that Commissioner O’Sullivan has given the State it is clearly in the interests of policing and the urgently…

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Labour Party Think-In to get underway Sunday & Monday, September 10, 11

Embargoed, 00:01 Sunday, September 10th, 2017 The Labour Party annual think-in gets underway in Athy in Co.Kildare today, with the party’s TDs, Senators, newly selected election candidates, spokespeople and councillors all in attendance. The two-day event will feature a range of speakers across sectors including housing, health and education. Speaking ahead of the think-in, Labour…

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High prices quoted for social housing show need to cap price of building land

Labour spokesperson on Affordable Housing, Joanna Tuffy has said that the high prices being quoted by developers for building social housing in Dalkey show the need to cap the price of building land. Ms Tuffy said: “It’s reported today that a developer is asking Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council to pay more than €500,000 each…

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