Nurses and midwives should not lose out on premium pay at this time

Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has called on the Minister for Health to respond to concerns nurses have around loss of pay at this time. Deputy Kelly said: “I understand from the INMO, that many nurses are concerned about loss of income at this time if they are forced to self-isolate or take…

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Exam fees should be waived for 2020

Labour Party Education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has called for Leaving and Junior Certificate fees to be waived for this academic year. Deputy Ó Ríordáín said: “In the last few days I have been contacted by school principals who are concerned about the payment of Leaving and Junior Certificate fees for this academic year. Leaving…

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Covid-19 crisis exposes education’s digital divide

The Covid-19 crisis has exposed the damaging extent of Ireland’s digital divide in education, according to Labour Party education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin. The Dublin Bay North TD praised teachers and other school staff for their magnificent efforts to help students continue their studies remotely. But he said the digital divide and other aspects of…

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Howlin calls for EU funds to help the recovery from the Coronavirus Crisis

Labour Party Leader, Brendan Howlin TD, has called for action at European level to assist Ireland and other member states with the economic fallout from the coronavirus epidemic. Deputy Howlin said: “The coronavirus pandemic is the biggest test yet for the EU. We must avoid repeating the mistakes of the 2008 crash, where European supports…

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Nash raises concerns about physical distancing on construction sites

Labour Party Employment Affairs spokesperson, Ged Nash TD, has expressed deep concern that all construction sites are allowed to remain open during this public health crisis. Deputy Nash said: “I am extremely concerned that physical distancing cannot be properly implemented on construction sites around the country. “Today Unite the Union and construction workers across the…

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Clarity needed on status of school closures and State exams

Labour Party Education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD, seeks collaborative approach to school closures. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “We all appreciate that it’s impossible to give absolute clarity at this time. But students, parents and teachers need to hear the Minister for Education’s plans for the reopening of schools. “Media reports that he intends to…

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Emergency funding needed for creches

Labour spokesperson on Children, Deputy Sean Sherlock, has called on the Government to provide emergency funding for the childcare sector in the face of the prolonged closure of crèches around the country. Deputy Sherlock said: “As it’s now been confirmed that schools will remain closed after March 29th we can also presume the same will…

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New communications plan needed to encourage physical distancing

Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has called for the Government, social media companies and mobile phone companies to roll out a coordinated communications strategy to encourage people to stay at home. Deputy Kelly said: “It is clear from reports from over the weekend, that some people are not grasping the importance of social…

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Student nurses deserve to be paid

Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has called for student nurses who are working in our hospitals during the COVID-19 health crisis to be paid for their work. Deputy Kelly said: “Student nurses like many healthcare professionals are putting themselves out on the frontline working to protect us from the spread of COVID-19, but…

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Labour Youth Elect New Chairperson

Labour Youth has elected Adrian McCarthy as the organisation’s National Chairperson last weekend.   Adrian’s election took place following on from the loss of former Chair Cormac Ó Braonáin in December. Commenting on his election and the context in which it has occurred, Adrian said: “I am privileged to have been elected Chairperson of Labour…

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Support needed for local and national newspapers papers too

– Buy a newspaper urges Howlin Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin has urged the Government to help struggling local newspapers through ad buys, and urged the public to support their local and national titles by buying a copy. Deputy Howlin said: “I welcome the action by the government to suspend the BAI levy for local…

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Bacik raises concerns about employee pay top ups, detention safeguards in Seanad

Speaking today in the Seanad during the debate on the Government’s Health (Preservation and Protection and Other Emergency Measures in the Public Interest) Bill 2020, Senator Ivana Bacik expressed understanding as to the need for the temporary measures recommended by the Public Health in the extraordinary emergency context of the Covid-19 crisis, but raised concerns about the need to provide…

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Air B&B owners should offer their units for HAP tenancies

Labour Councillor and chairperson of Dublin City Council Housing SPC, Alison Gilliland, has called on Air B&B owners to offer their units to their local authority for HAP tenancies. Cllr Gilliland said: ‘This would allow those currently in homeless accommodation or in overcrowded home situations become more appropriately accommodated. ‘With falling tourists numbers the knock effect is…

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Stronger measures needed for renters

Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has called for the Government to put in place stronger measures to protect renters during COVID-19. Deputy Kelly said: “While I welcome the fact that the Government has finally come around to the fact that a rent freeze and a ban on evictions are completely necessary. “However, we…

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Government Must Postpone Deadlines by Six Months

Speaking in relation to the likely duration of the coronavirus emergency over several months, and the need to preserve social distancing and self-isolation, the leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin TD, has called on the Government to move all public agency deadlines forward by six months to avoid people having to travel and to…

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Support needed for local radio stations says Howlin

Speaking in the Dáil today on the emergency legislation for the coronavirus epidemic, Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin called for support to be provided to local radio stations who are an essential source of information but suffering from a dramatic fall in advertising revenue. Deputy Howlin said: “In this national crisis, local radio is a…

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Changes to practical elements of LC and JC exams welcome

Labour Party Education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Education and Skills, that elements of the Leaving Certificate have been cancelled. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “The move taken by the Minister for Education to cancel all practical and oral elements of the Junior and Leaving Certificate exams is to…

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Statement by Alan Kelly on Ruth Morrissey appeal

Commenting on the Supreme Court verdict of the Ruth Morrissey appeal, Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, said: “I want to wish Ruth and her family well. This decision by the Supreme Court will hopefully close the chapter on a very troubling time for Ruth and all in her family. “The way the State…

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Gas and electricity companies should be mindful of peoples’ ability to pay

Labour Louth TD Ged Nash has called on utility companies to pass on drops in gas and oil prices to domestic customers in the wake of the Covid 19 pandemic and to reduce charges where possible. Deputy Nash said: “With many people now working from home and many more sadly being laid off for the…

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Emergency measures needed for renters

Labour Party TD for Dublin Fingal, Duncan Smith TD, has called for emergency legislation to bring in a rent freeze and a temporary ban on evictions. Deputy Smith said: “The Minister for Housing needs to urgently put in place emergency provisions to protect renters in the middle of this public health crisis. “A rent freeze…

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Trinity accommodation decision is worrying

Labour Party Education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD, has said the decision by Trinity College Dublin to ask students to leave college-owned accommodation is questionable. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “The decision by Trinity College Dublin to give students less than 48 hours notice to leave their student accommodation is questionable at best. “While I am…

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UK-owned retailers in Ireland need to show a bit of cop on – Labour Party

The Labour Party has called on all UK owned retailers to allow their local management and staff in Ireland the flexibility to shut their doors in the face of the COVID-19 crisis. Members of the Labour Parliamentary Party said: “Ireland and the UK are tackling this crisis very differently with Ireland taking a more proactive…

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Rent Supports need to be put in place immediately

Chairperson of Dublin City Council Housing SPC, Councillor Alison Gilliland, has called for supports to be put in place for renters in light of Covid-19 Councillor Gilliland said: “The Government must immediately put in place emergency rent supports for private renting tenants who have lost their jobs due to business closures or whose hours have been…

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Dublin City Council should defer rates for March

Labour group leader on Dublin City Council Cllr Dermot Lacey has called on Council management to defer the collection of commercial rates for the month of March and as long as the current COVID-19 crisis continues to support small business. Cllr Lacey said:“This is an unprecedented time for our country and our people, and the…

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