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Statement from Ged Nash TD on the Apple judgment

“Today’s judgment is a landmark one. The Minister for Finance must make a statement today outlining the wider implications of the judgment for Ireland’s corporation tax system and for our industrial policy. “Labour has today formally requested a full Dáil debate on this pressing matter when the Dáil returns next Wednesday. “This judgment vindicates Labour’s…

10 September 2024

DAA must stick to planning conditions at Dublin Airport

The Dublin Airport Authority cannot be treated differently to any other company or individual when it comes to planning conditions Councillor Brian McDonagh, Mayor of Fingal was reacting today to the announcement that the DAA expect to breach the 32m passenger cap at Dublin Airport in 2024. Cllr McDonagh, who is a Labour Party councillor…

05 September 2024

Labour to propose Children’s Charter in General Election

Labour Leader Ivana Bacik TD today outlined proposals for Labour’s “Children’s Charter” at the party’s annual think-in in Malahide, highlighting the ongoing failure of public services to vindicate the rights of children. The proposals call for a comprehensive, child-based approach to ensure every child in Ireland gets a fair start in life. Deputy Bacik said:…

Ivana Bacik TD
05 September 2024

Labour launches Cost-Of-Living Action Plan to put money back in your pocket

Index tax and social welfare to protect spending power Introduce a real Living Wage Reduce sky-high electricity prices to the European average Labour’s Finance Spokesperson Ged Nash TD has launched the Labour Party’s Cost of Living Action Plan today, calling for urgent government action to protect Irish families from the relentless rise in the cost…

03 September 2024

Labour’s homeless families bill must be priority in September

Charities like Focus Ireland cannot continue to pick up the pieces of failed Govt policy Labour leader and housing spokesperson Ivana Bacik has called on the Minister for Housing to prioritise Labour’s Homeless Families Bill upon resumption of the Dáil on September 18th. As Focus Ireland report a 12.5% increase in the number of people…

Ivana Bacik TD
03 September 2024

Borrisokane IPA Protest Demonstrates Government’s Lip Service to Real Integration

Labour’s Alan Kelly TD said: “I attended Borrisokane last week when IPA officials refused to meet the residents in the Riverside apartment as a group or to meet members of the local liaison group or indeed to meet local representatives. The fact that Gardai were on the scene towards the end of the visit was…

03 September 2024

Government’s Housing for All utterly failing as child homelessness soars

Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael have thrown in the towel Labour’s Leader and Housing Spokesperson Ivana Bacik TD has today condemned the Government’s failure to tackle the escalating homelessness crisis, following the devastating publication of new figures showing that 14,029 people are now without a home, including a heartbreaking 4,401 children. Deputy Bacik said: “It…

Ivana Bacik TD
30 August 2024

Heartbreaking findings demand urgent action to combat loneliness among older adults

Labour’s Councillor Martha Fanning has called for immediate action following the publication of new research by the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) at Trinity College Dublin, revealing the devastating impact of loneliness on older adults. The study, released yesterday, shows a strong association between loneliness and an increased risk of individuals wishing for their…

29 August 2024

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