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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

National Broadband Plan will play a fundamental role in delivery of flexible working

Speaking in the Dáil on the National Broadband Plan, Labour communications spokesperson Duncan Smith said in order to ensure a functioning flexible work culture in Ireland, the broadband capacity simply must catch up. Deputy Smith said: “All week, we in the Labour Party have been talking about flexible work and people working from home. It…

27 January 2022

Section 39 workers in disability services must receive the Covid bonus payment

Labour health spokesperson Duncan Smith has demanded that government provide the covid bonus payment to all workers in the disability sector, including section 39 organisations. Following confirmation by Minister McGrath that home help workers would receive the pandemic bonus, Deputy Smith said that workers providing disability service, like all healthcare workers, went above and beyond…

27 January 2022

School profiling cannot happen for Leaving Cert 2022

Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has demanded that the government commit to providing a Hybrid Leaving Cert without the use of school profiling. Pointing to the experience in Scotland in 2020, Deputy Ó Ríordáin said the use of school profiling will undermine the opportunity of students from poorer backgrounds. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “School…

27 January 2022

Govt must work to reform the Dental Treatment Services Scheme

Labour health spokesperson Duncan Smith has called on Minister Stephen Donnelly to urgently progress discussions with the dental industry to ensure that the most vulnerable in society have swift access to dental treatment when they need it. Highlighting the difficulties faced by people trying to access the Dental Treatment Services Scheme (DTSS), Deputy Smith said…

26 January 2022

Less spin more action in the area of housing

Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan said the government needs to take real action rather than repeated PR exercises to deliver real change for renters. Highlighting the exponential increase in rents throughout the country, Senator Moynihan said crucial problem areas remain ignored by government. Senator Moynihan said: “Government are again spinning that the housing strategy is…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
26 January 2022

Lack of action on eating disorder resources nothing short of a scandal

Labour Senator and member of the Oireachtas Health committee Annie Hoey has today demanded that Minister for Mental Health, Mary Butler immediately outlines an action plan to increase specialist eating disorder resources in the community. With the conversation growing on the damaging impact of diet culture, Senator Hoey said the inherent inequality in the treatment…

Senator Annie Hoey image
26 January 2022

Audit of CAMHS must be swift and thorough

Labour Health spokesperson Duncan Smith has called for the promised nationwide audit of CAMHS services to be swift and thorough.   Deputy Smith said: “What has emerged from South Kerry is deeply concerning. It represents an absolute failure on behalf of the HSE and people must be held to account. 46 children suffered significant harm and…

26 January 2022

Labour demand real action on the runaway cost of living

The Labour Party has today demanded real action from Government to combat the runaway cost of living. In a Dail motion, members of the Parliamentary Labour Party offered a variety of solutions that will cut the everyday costs of working people. Moving the motion, Deputy Ged Nash, the Spokesperson on Finance said: “Our own lived…

26 January 2022

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