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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Homeownership increasingly out of reach for most

With property growth reaching a three year high of 8.6%, Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan said home ownership is no longer a legitimate aspiration for most people. CSO figures published today which shows property prices returning to pre-pandemic levels, Senator Moynihan said that the stamp duty changes are having little impact on investor dominance in…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
15 September 2021

‘Single Malt’ type tax shelter revelations leave Government with serious questions to answer

Minister must move to finally end ‘Single Malt’ tax structure Revenue Commissioners must clarify level of knowledge of this case and if others exist Revelations will call into question commitment to global tax reform and fairness Labour Finance spokesperson Ged Nash has said the government has serious questions to answer over revelations that a major…

14 September 2021

Budget 2022 opportunity to pave way for universal childcare model

Labour spokesperson on children Deputy Ivana Bacik has backed Early Childhood Ireland’s call for a roadmap to reform for the childcare sector. Deputy Bacik has called on Government to signal its support for children, families and the sector in this year’s budget by properly resourcing the early years sector and taking steps towards the introduction…

Ivana Bacik TD
14 September 2021

Labour doorstep – 11.30am Wednesday 15th September

With the Dáil returning on Wednesday, Labour Party Foreign Affairs spokesperson Brendan Howlin TD and Party Whip and Health spokesperson Duncan Smith will be available to speak to the media on the plinth at 11:30am, Wednesday 15th September. What: Doorstep with Brendan Howlin and Duncan Smith. Where: Leinster House plinth, Kildare St. When: 11:30am, Wednesday…

Labour Trade Unionists
14 September 2021

Student accommodation crisis symptom of larger government failings

Labour spokesperson on further and higher education Annie Hoey has called on the Minister to outline his plans to ensure all students who require accommodation will have suitable, affordable options available to them. As the housing crisis continues to spiral into every section of society, Senator Hoey said the crisis in student accommodation is another…

Senator Annie Hoey image
14 September 2021

Labour launches plan to revitalise Ireland’s towns and villages

Launching Labour’s vision for towns and villages post pandemic, enterprise spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin said it’s time for a new deal for communities throughout Ireland. Outlining the need for increased local democracy, a just transition, the importance of public space and civic leadership, Deputy Ó Ríordáin said the time is rife to tackle key issues…

14 September 2021

Renters’ Rights Bill would redress balance of power in the rental market

Gives security of tenure by restricting excuses for evictions. Brings rented homes into 21st century by banning blanket ban on pets and hanging clothes on balconies. Provides for rent register, so people can see what previous tenants have paid and increases the grounds which rental disputes can go to the RTB. Expends Rent Pressure Zones…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
13 September 2021

Opening remarks by Alan Kelly at Labour Party away day

*** Check against delivery *** Welcome everyone to the Labour Party Parliamentary Party away day here in Athy. I hope you all had a nice sos. This is the first time in nearly a year that we have been able to all gather in the same room and discuss our political ambitions. It is a…

13 September 2021

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