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Palestinian Statehood must be urgently recognised

New Taoiseach must use Spanish PM’s visit to set timeline for recognition of Palestinian Statehood Labour’s Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Brendan Howlin TD has issued an urgent call for the New Taoiseach to formally recognise the State of Palestine during the upcoming visit of Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez to Ireland. Deputy Howlin said, “The time…

11 April 2024

Taoiseach must outline road safety plan

Increase in number of average speed cameras Sharing of road traffic images must be banned Collision blackspots must be made public Social media information campaign needed Labour’s Transport Spokesperson Duncan Smith is today calling for the new Taoiseach to outline a plan on road safety. Deputy Smith said: “It is welcome to hear the new…

10 April 2024

Words on Gaza must be matched with action

Labour’s Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called on the new Taoiseach Simon Harris to end trade with Israel and set a date for the recognition of the statehood of Palestine. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “Every person in the Dáil chamber will have welcomed the words from the Tánaiste on the recognition of a Palestinian state. The…

09 April 2024

Government must increase Housing Adaptation Grant immediately

  Labour’s Senator Mark Wall has called on Government to urgently increase the Housing Adaptation Grant inline with current construction costs.  Senator Wall said  “The closure of the Housing Adaptation Grant in Kildare County is a glaring indication of the dire need for increased funding. The failure of the Housing Minister to address this issue…

Senator Mark Wall
09 April 2024

France votes to limit fast fashion excesses, Ireland must follow suit

Surcharge to be introduced on ultra fast fashion Tenth consecutive monthly heat record should sound alarm bells Labour’s Climate Spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan today applauded the lower house of France for taking a decisive step towards curbing the excesses of fast fashion. In a landmark move, the lower house voted to implement an environment surcharge…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
09 April 2024

Road safety at risk, urgent action needed

Local councils need resources to tackle crumbling roads Labour’s Alan Kelly TD, was today sounding the alarm on the perilous state of local and regional roads across the country. Extreme winter weather conditions have accelerated an already dire situation. Deputy Kelly said: “Every day, motorists brave treacherous conditions on our crumbling roads. It’s not just…

08 April 2024

Labour Slams Fine Gael’s Empty Promises on Housing and Workers’ Rights

Fine Gael’s hypocrisy hurts workers Record homelessness, rents, and prices persist Temporary Taoiseach’s promises ring hollow Labour’s Finance Spokesperson, Deputy Ged Nash TD, criticises Fine Gael’s “make work pay” rhetoric, amidst worsening conditions for workers. Deputy Nash said; “As the Simon Harris coronation takes centre stage, we see record homelessness, rents, and house prices, with…

08 April 2024

Fine Gael base instincts on show in going after very sick workers in order to “help” businesses

Crass attempt by Fine Gael to address real business concerns doesn’t even mention the very serious issues of overdue warehoused tax debts Targeting the pay of low and middle income workers Responding to Taoiseach in waiting Simon Harris and his “rescue package” for business, Labour Worker’s Rights spokesperson Marie Sherlock said that Fine Gael base…

08 April 2024

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