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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Govt must take calls to tackle back to school costs seriously

Labour Party Education spokesperson, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has reiterated Labour’s demand for a free books scheme as part of an overall package to relieve back to school costs on families. This comes as figures from the Saint Vincent de Paul show that they had a a 4% increase in requests for help from families…

27 August 2019

Price stability means nothing to people with disabilities without waiver

Labour TD Seán Sherlock has dismissed the latest price monitoring group report as worthless as long as the Government continues to blame GDPR rather than support people with disabilities and incontinence issues with a bin waiver scheme as promised over 3 years ago. Deputy Sherlock said: “We have had Minister after Minister give excuse after…

Seán Sherlock TD
27 August 2019

Next steps in extending HPV vaccine must be examined

Labour Party Health spokesperson Alan Kelly TD has welcomed the extension of the HPV vaccine to boys and has said that Minister Harris must now examine the next steps in providing the HPV vaccine to those who did not have the opportunity to get the vaccine. Deputy Kelly said: “Today is a particularly poignant day…

27 August 2019

Harris needs to answer questions on Departmental treatment of patient advocate Lorriane Walsh

Labour Health spokesperson Alan Kelly TD has called for an explanation from the Minister for Health for the appalling treatment of patient advocate Lorraine Walsh, and said the Minister must also explain why he and his officials dragged their feet on the release of this information, and what Minister Harris knew of this dispute. Deputy…

23 August 2019

Burning Amazon must be a priority for EU leaders

Responding to remarks by Brazil President Bolsonaro about fires in the Amazon, as well as scientific reports about the risks of the permanent loss of the Amazon jungle in Brazil due to deforestation undermining the rainforest’s ability to regenerate over time, the leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin TD, called for the Taoiseach and…

Labour Admin

22 August 2019

City Council must not grant permission for smaller co-living units

Labour Party Councillor for the South East Inner City, Kevin Donoghue has today submitted a motion to Dublin City Council opposing Co-Living units being delivered under the minimum 12m/sq established in the Fine Gael guidelines. The motion was submitted following reports at the weekend that a developer had made a request to Dublin City Council…

21 August 2019

Corbyn proposal is most realistic alternative to Operation Chaos

Responding to the report in the Sunday Times today on revelations from the UK Government ‘Yellowhammer’ report about the consequences of a no deal Brexit, Brendan Howlin said: “This confirms our worst fears for the impact of a no deal Brexit and shows the recklessness of the current strategy being pursued by the British Government…

Labour Admin

18 August 2019

Corbyn initiative to prevent No Deal welcome

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin TD has welcomed the Jeremy Corbyn initiative to prevent no deal Brexit at Westminster. The Labour Leader said: “This is the space we need to be moving into given the constitutional difficulties that face No Deal opponents in the UK. Corbyn’s offer of a temporary Government to extend Article 50…

Labour Admin

15 August 2019

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