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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

DCC should not foot bill for neglect of Iveagh Markets

Labour Party representative for Dublin South Central, Cllr Rebecca Moynihan, has said that Dublin City Council should not have to foot the €13 million bill for essential structural repairs to the historic Iveagh Markets. Councillor Moynihan said: “Following a much-needed conservation report commissioned by Dublin City Council, we now know that there is at least…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
04 September 2019

Gov must publish report on Public Services Card

Labour Senator Kevin Humphreys has called on the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection to publish the report from the Data Protection Commissioner on the public services card, as legislators need to know the grounds for the appeal and the reasoning behind the DPC decision. Sen. Humphreys, a former Minister of State in the…

Labour Admin

03 September 2019

Independent Price Regulator needed for Beef Sector

Responding to the crisis in the beef industry and continued nationwide protests, LabourTD for Tipperary, Alan Kelly called on Minister Creed to immediately convene crisis talks to resolve the issue, with a focus on establishing an independent price regulator. Deputy Kelly said: “Smaller farmers are rightly concerned about the future of their livelihoods and they…

03 September 2019

Radical steps required to protect Northern Ireland’s interests

Responding to the likelihood of a UK general election, the leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin TD, called on parties in Northern Ireland to consider running joint Remain candidates who will commit to taking up their seats in Westminster. Deputy Howlin said: “It is unacceptable that so much Brexit decision making has happened in…

Labour Admin

03 September 2019

Child homelessness figure highlights failure of Government policy

Commenting on the latest homelessness figures, Labour Housing spokesperson Jan O’Sullivan TD, said: “These latest figures make for grim reading and show that not only has the homelessness crisis not gone away, it is getting worse, and Government policy is failing to resolve it. “Since June, there are 103 more children in emergency accommodation, with…

Labour Admin

02 September 2019

Independent Price Regulator needed for Beef Sector

Responding to the crisis in the beef industry and continued nationwide protests, Labour spokesperson on Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Willie Penrose TD called on Minister Creed to immediately convene crisis talks to resolve the issue, with a focus on establishing an independent price regulator. Deputy Penrose said: “Smaller farmers are rightly concerned about the…

02 September 2019

HSE Capital Plan lacks credibility

Labour Party Health spokesperon, Alan Kelly TD, has said the HSE Capital Plan lacks credibility. Deputy Kelly said: “The HSE Capital Plan for 2019 published today, nine months into the year, is a complete window dressing exercise. “Many of the projects listed in this plan we already know about or are underway. “The delay in…

02 September 2019

Reminder: Labour Party Think In this Sunday – Nano Nagle Place, Cork City

The annual Labour Party Think-In will take place on Sunday 8th and Monday 9th September 2019 in Cork City, opening at the Nano Nagle Place with Labour Party TDs, Senators and Cllrs in attendance. The schedule of events for Sunday and Monday is outlined below. On Sunday there will be an opening media doorstep at…

Labour Trade Unionists
30 August 2019

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