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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Government fails to address pay & conditions in the Defence Forces

Labour’s Defence on spokesperson, Senator Mark Wall has expressed deep concern following the alarming results unveiled by the Representative Association of Commissioned Officers Survey. Senator Wall said: “These survey results are deeply concerning and demand immediate attention from Government. The scale of officers intending to leave their posts within the next decade presents a crisis…

Senator Mark Wall
14 November 2023

Use or lose it – We need to Bring Vacant & Derelict Sites back into use

Labour’s Senator Rebecca Moynihan, together with Labour Seanad colleagues, will bring a motion before the Seanad tomorrow calling for an immediate reform of the Compulsory Purchase Process to facilitate local authorities in acquiring vacant buildings. Senator Moynihan said: “We need to introduce use it or lose it rules for empty homes and buildings and reinvigorate…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
14 November 2023

ICOS report shows renting in disarray under Fianna Fáil

Private rental inspections must be increased Labour leader and housing spokesperson Ivana Bacik has called for increased levels of inspections of private rental homes and renters’ rights, as many renters feel powerless and at the mercy of landlords given the dire shortage of homes available to rent. Deputy Bacik said: “The ICOS survey makes for…

Ivana Bacik TD
14 November 2023

Housing for All update report amounts to spin over substance

Labour leader and housing spokesperson Ivana Bacik has said this Government’s housing policy seems to prioritise spin over substance. Responding to the update report delivered by the three Government leaders, Deputy Bacik characterised it as reflecting a serious inadequacy and ineffectiveness in government policy on housing. Deputy Bacik said: “The Government’s half baked policy approach…

Ivana Bacik TD
14 November 2023

We need state-wide measures to End to Scourge of Vacancy & Dereliction

Speaking on the Plinth today, Labour’s Senator Mark Wall called for an end to the scourge of vacancy and dereliction ahead of the Labour’s Private Members Motion in the Seanad this Wednesday. Senator Wall said: “It is an outrage that in the midst of an acute housing crisis, thousands of homes across our country sit…

Senator Mark Wall
14 November 2023

More lives will be lost without injection centres

Government must implement much-needed injection centres immediately  Labour Justice spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD is once again calling on the Government to implement much-needed injection centres. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said  “There have been 54 overdoses since the HSE warning last week. Government, instead of running scared, urgently needs to get an injection centre up and…

14 November 2023

Long-term Strategy for diabetes needed

Task force to develop a 10-year National Diabetes Strategy required Labour’s Health Spokesperson Duncan Smith TD has called on the Government to establish a 10-year National Diabetes Strategy and a National Diabetes Registry.This comes on November 14th, World Diabetes Day. Deputy Smith said: “Today, on World Diabetes Day, I am calling on Government to establish…

14 November 2023

Scale of potential redundancies at RTE shocking

Labour spokesperson on arts and media Marie Sherlock has expressed her shock at the potential scale of workforce reductions to be announced by RTÉ. Senator Sherlock said: “While we await to get a full picture of the RTÉ plan tomorrow, reports that RTÉ is set to make such a dramatic reduction in its workforce will…

13 November 2023

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