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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Coalition must deliver immediate supports for those devastated by Storm Babet

Supports should be damage tested as opposed to means tested Photo-ops will not pay bills next week Labour Party Cllr John Maher has called on the Fianna Fáil / Fine Gael / Green Coalition to introduce immediate supports for those affected by floodwaters caused by Storm Babet. Cllr Maher said “I believe the supports should…

20 October 2023

Failure to commence right to remote work legislation facilitates business to roll back the clock on work

Push for return to office apparent in new data Labour workers’ rights spokesperson Marie Sherlock has called out the Government for dragging its heels on remote work legislation and for facilitating business to roll back the clock on flexible and remote working. She was responding to research published by Dublin Chamber showing that over half…

19 October 2023

Charities picking up pieces from Government housing failure

Labour leader and housing spokesperson Ivana Bacik has urged Government to develop a winter homelessness plan to tackle the massive increase in homelessness that has resulted since the lifting of the eviction ban. Deputy Bacik said: “Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil have utterly failed to grasp the crisis in housing. Month on month, we see…

Ivana Bacik TD
19 October 2023

Has Government thrown in the towel on health?

Speaking during Leaders’ Questions, Labour leader Ivana Bacik said Government seems to have thrown in the towel on tackling the health service. Deputy Bacik said: “Responding to my questioning during Leaders’ Questions today, the Tánaiste responded as if he was a by-stander in the health crisis. You’d almost forget that Fianna Fáil are holding the…

Ivana Bacik TD
19 October 2023

Children’s Hospital will cost over €2 billion

Déjà vu from five years ago Under questioning from Labour’s Alan Kelly in the Public Accounts Committee, the Children’s Hospital Board essentially confirmed that the project would run to over €2 billion. Deputy Kelly said: “I was met with stoney silence from witnesses in the Committee today when I put it to them that this…

19 October 2023

Government’s inaction on Direct Provision is a scandal

Where is the progress on the White Report on Ending Direct Provision? Government inaction causing deep concern for health and safety of children Labour spokesperson on Children Seán Sherlock TD has expressed deep concern for the safety and welfare of children in Direct Provision. The Ombudsman for Children’s submission of a special report to the…

Seán Sherlock TD
19 October 2023

Aid Scheme for homes and businesses needed after Cork floods

Labour spokesperson on Social Protection Sean Sherlock TD, has called on the Department of Social Protection and Government to ensure an emergency humanitarian support scheme for homes, businesses, and the community sector is opened immediately to support those impacted by the sudden flooding in Midleton and surrounding East Cork areas, along with Glanmire. Deputy Sherlock…

Seán Sherlock TD
18 October 2023

Low Pay Commission Moving at Snail’s Pace on Sub-Minimum Wage Rates

Young workers deserve equal pay for equal work. Labour Party’s spokesperson on Workers’ Rights Senator Marie Sherlock, has today criticised the Low Pay Commission for moving at a snail’s pace on sub-minimum wage rates. Senator Sherlock said: “The Low Pay Commission was requested to review the sub-minimum wage rates in 2022 and have today told…

18 October 2023

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