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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Zappone must intervene in child benefit row

Minister for Children Katherine Zappone must make clear her opposition to Programme for Government plans to link child benefit payments to school attendance and take steps to make sure the proposal is nipped in the bud. Under this plan, children who miss school, usually as a result of complex domestic and family issues, would be…

Labour Admin

12 May 2016

Programme for Government represents a bad deal for Ireland

Labour Party Leader Joan Burton has said the Programme for Government shows this government is going to be one which lacks ambition, is unfair and afraid to tackle the big issues of our time. Deputy Burton commented: “The Programme for Government represents a bad deal for Ireland. It is incredibly irresponsible there are no costings…

Labour Admin

12 May 2016

Fianna Fáil are hypocritical attacking the government they are propping up

Labour Party Senator Kevin Humphreys has accused Fianna Fáil of blatant hypocrisy by attacking Fine Gael over linking child benefit to school attendance, when they are the party propping up Fine Gael in government. Senator Humphreys commented: “I am completely opposed to linking child benefit to school attendance. It is a highly regressive and impractical…

Labour Admin

12 May 2016

IBEC’s position on Clerys review a direct challenge to new government

IBEC SHOULD BE CONDEMNING THE ACTIONS OF THOSE WHO CLOSED DOWN CLERYS, NOT THE MOVES TO PUNISH THEM AND PROTECT WORKERS  Labour Party Senator Ged Nash has hit out at comments by employers’ body IBEC which is warning against the introduction of new legislation aimed at preventing situations such as the liquidation of Clerys.    IBEC was responding…

12 May 2016

Water Fairness Bill to guarantee refund to people who paid for water

The Labour Party today published its Water Charges (Fair Treatment of Customers) Bill 2016. The purpose of this Bill is to ensure that, in the event of water charges being suspended, there should be fair treatment as between the majority who paid their water charges and those who did not. This Bill provides for the…

Labour Admin

12 May 2016

No commitment for repeal the 8th referendum is an offence to women

Labour Party Senator Ivana Bacik has said the government clearly does not care about repealing the 8th amendment because it has not committed to a referendum on the issue. Senator Ivana Bacik stated: “The publication of the Programme for Government will come as a major disappointment to those who want to liberalise women’s reproductive rights….

Ivana Bacik TD
11 May 2016

Programme for Govt u-turn on direct provision, a betrayal of the most vulnerable

The deliberate removal from the Programme for Government, of any commitment to implement the recommendations of the McMahon report on Direct Provision is beyond disappointing. It is in fact a betrayal of the thousands of people who have found themselves languishing in Direct Provision Centres all around the country. In Government Labour oversaw the publication…

11 May 2016

This government has abandoned low paid workers

Labour Party Senator Ged Nash has said the government has abandoned low paid workers by not supporting a living wage. Senator Nash commented: “I am disappointed but not surprised that there are no plans for a living wage in the programme for government. I think it is deeply ironic that a government which has said…

11 May 2016

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