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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.


Labour launches new affordable housing plan Labour’s plan for housing, ‘Making Homes Affordable’, was launched in Limerick City this morning by Ministers Alan Kelly and Jan O’Sullivan. Both Ministers visited a social housing development on Lord Edward Street in the city this morning, before formally launching the policy. Specifically, the party’s affordable homes plan will:…

11 February 2016

Social Democrats show their true colours

At a time when we have the fastest growing economy in Europe it astonishing that a party claiming to be social democratic would not see fit to propose an increase in the minimum wage. Yet at the launch of his proposals for small business today Stephen Donnelly emphatically stated that he and his colleagues do…

Labour Admin

10 February 2016


Today’s series of proposals on crime unveiled by Fianna Fail are yet another example of them trying to pretend that the past did not happen. It was Fianna Fail who introduced a freeze on garda recruitment. It was Fianna Fail who closed Templemore Garda Training College. It was Fianna Fail who were in power when…

Labour Admin

10 February 2016

Extending parental leave by 3 months a Labour priority – Wall

You are all very welcome today to the launch of ‘Standing Up For Families’– Labour’s plan for quality and affordable childcare. My name is Mark Wall. I am a Councillor and Labour election candidate for Kildare South. I am also a parent. It means I’m acutely aware of the day-to-day financial pressures that arise when…

Senator Mark Wall
10 February 2016

Standing up for families by making childcare affordable – Conway

Last year, Joan Burton asked me to chair a working group within the labour party to come up with a plan for quality and affordable childcare. We consulted widely within the Party, and more importantly within our local communities and this process of engagement gave us a very clear insight as to just what the…

Labour Admin

10 February 2016

Affordable childcare will allow parents to make choices – Burton

 At the launch of ‘Standing Up For Families’ – Labour’s plan for quality and affordable childcare As a woman leader, I feel passionately about children’s rights and childcare. That’s why standing up for children and families is one of my priorities. Since 2011, Labour in government has done a great deal. We put the children’s…

Labour Admin

10 February 2016

Labour is standing up for families – Burton

This morning Labour formally launched its plan for quality and affordable childcare. ‘Standing Up For Families’ commits to introducing low-cost, quality childcare for all under 12s, to dramatically increase the level of spending on early years education and childcare, and to develop a skilled childcare workforce with decent pay and fair conditions. Tanaiste Joan Burton…

Labour Admin

10 February 2016

Reminder media notice: Labour’s affordable childcare plan to be launched today

Today, Tanaiste Joan Burton will officially launch ‘Standing Up For Families’, Labour’s plan for quality and affordable childcare. She will be accompanied by Deputy Ciara Conway and Cllr Mark Wall, election candidates in Waterford and Kildare South respectively. Time: 11am Location: Labour Press Centre, Labour Head Office The launch will be followed by a photo…

Labour Trade Unionists
10 February 2016

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